The House With A Blue Star

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Somewhere in the forest, Boney 10 was watching Lapitch and his group traveling together. Boney 10: "As you can see, Lapitch and his step siblings have already made some new friends on their trip to find a better place to live, in the forms of two hyenas named Jokey and Jokeo... and now they're off to who knows where." said Boney 10, before the scene zooms over to Lapitch and his group, traveling together towards what looked like a white house with a blue star on the wall. That was when they hear someone crying and went over to the house to investigate. It wasn't long before they discover a young squirrel named Marco (voiced by Janyse Jaud), who was crying for some reason, until he noticed the group in front of him. Lapitch: "Good morning, I'm Lapitch." Tommy: "I'm Tommy." Melody: "I'm Melody." Jokey: "I'm Jokey." Jokeo: "And I'm Jokeo, what's yours?" Marco: "Uh... Marco... my name's Marco... and I feel awful..." Melody: "Why?, you're not hurt, are you?" Marco: "No... but I lost the geese that I was supposed to watching over... now I can't find them..." Tommy: "There, there... how about we help you find them." Marco: "Really?, you'll really do that?" Lapitch: "Sure, it's not like we have anything to do at the moment." Jokey: "We don't?" Jokeo: "Um... other than looking for a new place to stay... not really." Melody: "And this squirrel needs help, and it's the right thing to do." Tommy: "She's right, so let's go find those geese." Jokey: "How do we do that?" Lapitch: "Well... we can start by searching the lake over there..." said Lapitch, pointing at the nearby lake. Jokeo: "Um... are you sure that's a good idea?, cause Jokey and I... we can't swim..." Tommy: "Yeah... me neither..." Melody: "Then how about we use a boat?" Lapitch: "Good idea." Marco: "Well... there's one boat on at the lake's shore, we can use that, follow me." said Marco, before he leads the group to the rowboat, which they all took to row around the lake and begin their search for the missing geese. It wasn't long before they found the geese, and the group began chasing them back to the barn where they belong. One goose wasn't with the others, and Jokey and Jokeo managed to chase it back to the rest of it's flock. When it was evening, Marco invites Lapitch and his group to supper, which was made by Miss Squirrel (voiced by Cathy Weseluck), who happens to be Marco's mother. Miss Squirrel: "I can't thank you kids enough for helping my son rounding up the geese today, that was very kind of you." Lapitch: "Oh, it was nothing really, we were just trying to do the right thing." Melody: "He's right, it's always good to help those in need." Tommy: "And thanks again for the supper." Jokey: "Yeah, we haven't ate anything since this morning." Jokeo: "Yeah, and this smells really yummy." Miss Squirrel: "Well I'm glad to hear you're enjoying this, it's the least I can do to thank you all for your help." Tommy: "Say uh... what's with that chest over there?" asked Tommy, pointing at the nearby chest. Marco: "Oh that?, that's our family treasures." Melody: "Treasures?" Lapitch: "Really?" Marco: "Yup, it's something that my dad left behind for me and my mom before he left to work on a faraway land some time ago... I sure wish that he would come back..." Jokeo: "What was he working on?" Marco: "To mine gold from the faraway land, at least that's what he told me before he left." Melody: "Do you miss him?" Marco: "Yeah... I miss him very much... do you have a family?" Lapitch: "Well... not exactly... we did used to work in a shoemaker shop that belonged to the Scowler couple... but Mr Scowler always treated me, Tommy and Melody very badly..." Miss Squirrel: "Oh I'm so sorry to hear that..." Tommy: "Yeah... it's the reason why we ran away, trying to find a new place to live." Marco: "What about Mrs Scowler?" Melody: "Well... she treats us like family... she was like a mother figure to us..." Miss Squirrel: "Then she must be worried sick about you... maybe you should go back to her..." Lapitch: "But if we do that... Mr Scowler will mistreat us again..." Miss Squirrel: "But you can't run away from your problems forever... there are times you have face and learn from them." Jokey: "We can do that?" Jokeo: "Huh... well if she says so... then I guess it's possible..." Miss Squirrel: "It is... now maybe tomorrow, you should go back and let Mrs Scowler know you're okay... as for Mr Scowler... well do your best to stand up to him." Lapitch: "Okay... thanks for the advice Miss Squirrel... that really helped." Miss Squirrel: "You're welcome, now as for tonight, I think you kids can sleep here, I mean if that's okay with Marco here." Marco: "It's okay mom, I'll be happy to have them stay for tonight, it'll be like a sleepover." Jokey: "Ooh, I love sleepovers... wait... what's a sleepover?" Miss Squirrel: "Um... I should explain it dear." said Miss Squirrel, before she begins explaining about what a sleepover is to Jokey and the other kids. Little did anyone knew at the time, was that a trio of Demon dragons were next to the house eavesdropping on everything the animals inside said, one in red named ScreamClaw (voiced by Mark Hamill), one in blue named ThunderSmacker (voiced by Jim Cummings), and one in black named SpaceWarp (voiced by Frank Welker), and together they were called the Demon trio, and they heard the part about the treasure in the chest. ScreamClaw: "So... there is some treasure in that house, eh?" ThunderSmacker: "So it would seemed..." SpaceWarp: "T-t-that's what the little s-s-squirrel said..." ScreamClaw: "Yes... I'm sure our client, Dirty Rat, will be happy to hear this juicy bit of news... come on." ordered ScreamClaw, before he and the other demons went off to who knows where.

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