Lapitch & Tommy Vs Dirty Rat & MegaTrog

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In the dark of the night, Boney 10 and the kids were traveling through a dark forest. Boney 10: "As you can see folks, the kids and I had to travel through this forest in hopes to get ahead of Dirty Rat and stop him from attacking Marco and his mother's home for their treasure... and we had very little time to do it too." Lapitch: "Uh... Mr Boney 10... who are you talking to?" Lisa: "Yeah... there's nobody else here aside from us..." Boney 10: "Oh uh... you wouldn't believe me even if I tell ya..." Tommy: "Breaking the 4th wall and talking to the people reading this story?" Boney 10: "Uh... yeah... something like that..." Lapitch: "What are you talking about?" Tommy: "Oh... nothing important... right now let's focus on finding Dirty Rat and stop him." Melody: "He's right, there's no telling what harm he'll do to poor Marco and his mama..." Gidget: "Gosh... I don't even want to think about it..." Jokeo: "You mean... he might..." Jokey: "Uh oh..." Lapitch: "Well we're not gonna let that happen." Lisa: "You got that right, now let's hurry." Boney 10: "Indeed... for if the Demon trio transform into MegaTrog... then we're in big trouble..." said Boney 10, before he and the kids continued walking through the dark forest, which began to make some scary noises that made the girls very nervous. Melody: "What was that?!" Tommy: "Don't worry... it's probably just the wind..." said Tommy, before a cry for help was heard, which caught the attention of the group and went to follow the cry to investigate. Once they walked through some bushes, they found Mr Scowler tied up to a tree. Lapitch: "Mr Scowler?" Tommy: "What's he doing here?" Melody: "And why is he tied up?" Jokey: "So that's the jerk who treated you badly?" asked Jokey, before Mr Scowler sees the group coming up to him. Mr Scowler: "My goodness... Lapitch... Tommy... Melody... is that really you?" Lapitch: "Yeah... it's us... but what are you doing here?" Mr Scowler: "Well... I was out looking for you three... you see... after you ran away... my wife was very sad and miserable... and I couldn't help but feel responsible for it..." Boney 10: "That's because you were responsible... after the way you treated these poor children... it's no wonder they ran away in the first place..." said Boney 10 in a calm and yet angry tone in his voice, knowing that Mr Scowler has mistreated poor Lapitch and some of the other kids. Mr Scowler: "Yes... I guess I was a little cruel to them..." Tommy: "A little?" Mr Scowler: "Okay... I was really cruel... and I'm terribly sorry about it..." Melody: "So... you've been looking for us since we left?" Mr Scowler: "Yes... but during the search, I was attacked and robbed by the evil Dirty Rat... who tied me up to this tree and I've been here for 2 days now..." Gidget: "You've been here for the passed 2 days?!" Jokey: "Oh man... and without food or water?" Mr Scowler: "No..." Lisa: "Oh... you poor mouse..." Lapitch: "We better help him." Boney 10: "Hold on... before we do anything... Mr Scowler... I want to make sure that you're really sorry for the way you treated some of these children..." Mr Scowler: "Believe me... I really am sorry for what I did... I promise that I'll change and be a much kinder mouse from now on..." Boney 10: "Hmm... you promise?" Mr Scowler: "Yes... I promise to never be mean to Lapitch or any child ever again..." said Mr Scowler, before Boney 10 used some magic to turn his cane into a sword, and holds it up into the air, and the sight of it scared the heck out of Mr Scowler. When Boney 10 swings it down, the sword cuts the rope in half, freeing Mr Scowler, before it changed back into a cane. Boney 10: "Very well... but you better keep your word..." Mr Scowler: "Yes... I will... and kids... once again... I am very sorry for the way I treated you... I'll do everything I can to make it up to you..." said Mr Scowler, before Tommy, Lapitch and Melody went over to him and gave him a hug, which he returned to them for a moment before they let go of each other. Lapitch: "We forgive you Mr Scowler... but right now we need to hurry." Tommy: "Yeah, Dirty Rat is heading to a house with a blue star that belongs to a friend of ours." Melody: "Not to mention he has an evil mask that will give the bad Demon Dragons some really bad power." Lisa: "That's right." Mr Scowler: "Then we better hurry... but who are you?" Lisa: "Oh sorry, my name's Lisa." Gidget: "I'm Gidget." Jokey: "I'm Jokey." Jokeo: "And I'm Jokeo." Boney 10: "As for me... I'm Boney 10, a friendly Demon Dragon." Mr Scowler: "Huh... a good Demon Dragon... now I've seen it all..." Boney 10: "Oh believe me... you've hardly seen anything..." said Boney 10, before he and the others continued walking through the woods. Soon, the group arrives to a rocky bridge that had a large river below, and on the other side of the rocky bridge was Dirty Rat, with a black horse that was pulling a wagon that the rat was riding on, and the Demon trio was flying above him. The villains stopped at the middle of the bridge when they see Lapitch and his group standing in front of them. Dirty Rat: "Whoever you are, get out of our way!" Lapitch: "What?, you don't remember us?" asked Lapitch, before Dirty Rat and the Demon trio take a better look at the group. ScreamClaw: "Hey!, you're those brats we met at that barn!" ThunderSmacker: "Oh yeah, it's them alright." SpaceWarp: "Y-y-yeah... what you said..." Dirty Rat: "Oh yeah... the mouse with the boots... I see you got them back... but not for long once I get them again, right after I get my treasure in the house with the blue star." Lapitch: "You're not going anywhere near that house!, we have a friend that lives there!" Tommy: "Yeah, if you want our friend's treasure, you'll have to get through us first!" Dirty Rat: "Well in that case... boys... take care of them..." said Dirty Rat, before he throws the Mask of MegaTrog to ScreamClaw, who catches it and puts it on, much to Boney 10's shock and horror. Suddenly, the Demon Trio turned into red energy and fuzed together, before changing into a large Demon Dragon with a long thing tail with a blade on the tip. The Demon trio has become MegaTrog (voiced by Tim Curry) the Dragon Devil, much to the group's shock. MegaTrog: "Yes... at long last... after so many years... I'm back!... and this time... no one will stop me... not even you... Boney 10..." said MegaTrog, looking down at the elderly Demon Dragon. Boney 10: "It's not up to me to stop you this time... it's these two boys here..." said Boney 10, pointing at Lapitch and Tommy, which made both MegaTrog and Dirty Rat laugh. MegaTrog: "Is this some kind of joke?" Dirty Rat: "Yeah... you really think those two little boys can stop the Dragon Devil and me, the king of the underworld?" asked Dirty Rat, before MegaTrog grabbed him by the neck. MegaTrog: "What was that you said?... you being the king of the Underworld?... that's my title..." Dirty Rat: "Okay!, okay!, you're the Underworld king!, that's you!" cried Dirty Rat, trying to free himself before MegaTrog puts him down. MegaTrog: "That's better... now where were we?... oh yes... you really think these two boys can stop me?" Boney 10: "I don't think... I know..." MegaTrog: "Alright... how about this... the fox and the mouse have a battle with me and Dirty Rat... if you win, then we'll leave to the Underworld and never come back... but if we win... their souls... along with their friends... will be mine..." Boney 10: "Hmm..." Tommy: "It's a deal." Lapitch: "Yeah." Gidget: "What?!" Lisa: "Lapitch wait!, you can't fight them!" Lapitch: "We gotta try, you know they won't be stopped unless we do something... and if this will stop them, then we might as well do it." Tommy: "Besides... I got this feeling that I want to make those two pay..." MegaTrog: "Ah yes... no surprise... after all... Dirty Rat and my Demon trio selves did took away the lives of your parents... along with some of your friends' parents too... and their souls were really yummy..." Lapitch: "What?!" Mr Scowler: "Oh my..." Boney 10: "I should have known..." Jokey: "Why those... you creeps!, not only are you liars and thieves... but you're also murderers too!" Jokeo: "You're gonna pay for the suffering you've caused!" Lapitch: "Hold it you two!, this is between me, Tommy and those two... don't get in the way..." Tommy: "He's right... it's like what Boney 10 said... this is our fight..." Lisa: "Oh dear..." Melody: "Be careful..." Gidget: "Please lord... help Lapitch and Tommy win..." said Gidget as she preyed to the lord, as she and the others watch Lapitch and Tommy glare at Dirty Rat and MegaTrog, who charge forward towards the two boys. Lapitch jumps up and gets on Dirty Rat's back, punching the evil rodent on the face, while Tommy was using his rubber powers to throw a lot of punches on the Dragon Devil like a storm. Jokey: "Come on little buddies!, you can do it!" Jokeo: "Yeah!, show them who's boss!" Gidget: "Wow... Tommy's really brave..." Lisa: "So is Lapitch..." Melody: "Come on... please win... I don't want to lose either of you..." Mr Scowler: "Come on boys..." Boney 10: "Do not worry... for I believe they'll win... as I highly doubt the writer would allow them to lose." Mr Scowler: "What writer?" Boney 10: "Oh nothing..." said Boney 10, before he and the others continued to watch the battle in front of them. Dirty Rat throws Lapitch off of him, and getting ready to attack the little mouse, only for Tommy to punch him away from the little mouse boy, and the rat was sent flying into MegaTrog, causing the pair to crash into a rocky wall. When they got up, MegaTrog noticed that his wings were in bad shape, unable for him to fly at the moment, which made him really mad. MegaTrog: "You little brat... how dare you messed with my wings!, I am so gonna enjoy taking your soul right after I tear it out of your body!" shouted MegaTrog, before he and Dirty Rat began to charge towards the young mouse and fox again, only for Tommy to jump up and throws a punch on the rocky bridge, causing it to fall apart and made Dirty Rat and MegaTrog to fall down to the river below, causing them to be defeated and be forced to be sent to the Underworld. As for Tommy and Lapitch, they managed to grab onto the edge of the broken rock bridge, and climbed up to safety, before seeing their friends cheering for them. Jokey and Jokeo: "Yay!, they won!" Mr Scowler: "Hooray!" Melody: "You did it Tommy!, you and Lapitch did it!" Gidget: "You were so brave Tommy." Lisa: "And you too Lapitch, you were both really amazing." said Gidget and Lisa, before they gave Tommy and Lapitch a kiss on the cheek, which made them blush a little and chuckled a little. Tommy: "Ah shucks... we were just doing what was right..." Lapitch: "Yeah... it was nothing really..." Boney 10: "I wouldn't be so sure about that... after all, it's not everyday that someone would stand up to the Dragon Devil and live to tell the tale, let alone defeating him." Tommy: "Well... I guess maybe it was a little something..." Lapitch: "Yeah... I guess it was..." said Lapitch, feeling happy that so many think of him as a hero, while Tommy felt the same thing.

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