Evening Meal-5

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Tapping the door lightly, a gentle voice responded. Charlotte carefully opened the door, revealing a beautiful room decorated with a fireplace, a wooden desk, paintings, decorated walls, and curtains having ruffles on each end. Her mother sat on a stool as she brushed her long blonde hair. Seeing her daughter's reflection in the mirror, her lovely warm smile was plastered on her lips.

"Sorry if I interrupted Mother. Papa told me to help you get ready if that's okay with you", she explained. "Of course, you can my dear. Here, how about you help me with my hair? Your hands are quite magical when it comes to that", she chuckled. "Well now, be prepared to witness and truly be astonished by my "magic" once more, she giggled.

She opened the small drawers and picked out a few accessories such as small bows and other pretty ornaments to decorate her hair. When she was finished, her mother was astounded. Her hair had been braided and tucked in a bun, while the small, jeweled ornaments glittered and complimented her fair skin and green eyes. "You look so pretty Mother!", she cheerfully complimented her.

"It's all thanks to my little fairy godmother", she replied. Aurore, Ella, and Ruby were all lying on the soft bed, purring gently as they watched, while Casper and Feo were near the fireplace.
"Mother, there's something I would like to discuss with you and Papa, if possible", her tone suddenly saddened. Concern was etched on her mother's face. "What's wrong Charlotte? Why such a long face?", her mother's voice was filled with worry as she cupped her small face.

"It's about my friend Jane", she answered. The cats appeared relaxed, but they listened intently, till a knock on the door was heard. "Come in", her mother ordered. A maid opened the door and announced that dinner was about to be served soon. After the maid left, Charlotte then quickly got up to excuse herself to wash. A few of her pets followed after her, while Casper and Feo stayed behind.

Getting up, Feo walked towards Mrs. Wellington and purred gently at her. She bent over and began to pet him, feeling his short soft coat and warm body. She chuckled, "You're always a sweetheart Feodore, unlike Casper." Casper's ear suddenly twitched. Lifting his head he stared at her, meowing in response. "Oh alright, come over Casper", she called out to him. He quickly trotted over and climbed onto her lap, making himself comfortable.

She carefully stroked his slick black fur as he purred, continuing the small talk, "You may be a naughty cat, but you do have a soft side at times." After giving some gentle pats she picked him up, then placed him on the floor and got up to fix her dress for the evening meal. Soon, dinner was served, and all of the butlers and maids made sure everything was just right. The food smelled and looked delicious.

There was roasted chicken, roasted pork, fish, clam chowder, potatoes, mixed vegetables, pickled radishes, sweet wine and tea. Dinner was usually a big feast, since Mr. Wellington treated the maids and butlers like family and respect, unlike other business owners. "My, you look lovely dear", Mr. Wellington gazed at her. A few strands of her blonde hair hung from the sides, framing her face. "Thank you, darling. Charlotte did work her magic this time", she laughed.

"Is that so?", he looked over at his side, seeing his daughter smiling and nodding. He chuckled. As dinner was served, each stomach was filled and everybody in the room was left satisfied as usual. After the meal finished, Charlotte couldn't keep the problem hidden any longer. "Mother, Father, there's something I wanted to discuss", she announced to them. Mr. and Mrs. Wellington paid close attention to their daughter as she spoke.

"Something happened today. It was about my friend Jane. She mentioned something about her father's business going rocky, and that she's worried for him. ", a small frown was plastered on her lips. "That is terrible news", Mrs. Wellington sighed as she looked at her saddened face.

Mr. Wellington was concerned about the situation. Something was quite off as he knew Jane's father, Mr. Smyth, as an old friend and businessman of the fish market and the trade market of goods such as scrap metal. There was no way that his fortune was slowly creeping towards slums.

"Now now dear, settle down. I'm sure things will turn out fine in the end, don't worry too much about it", he assured her. Understanding, she nodded. "Papa?", she asked. "What is it dear?", his voice inquired in a warm tone. "Is it alright if Jane and Rose come tomorrow?", she tilted her head slightly. "I don't see why not", he gave her a warm smile. He then continued, "Now my dear, why don't you head to wash and prepare for bed, hm? You'll need good rest if you want to spend the day with your friends." "Okay, papa. Aurore, Ella, Ruby, Feo, Casper! Time for bed!", Charlotte called out.

Soon, each cat came one by one came out from the kitchen and followed her, leading them into their resting place. The room was quite simple and was filled with large baskets, containing extra cushions and blankets for one each one. "Goodnight, everyone", she whispered to them, then closed the door. Charlotte ascended the stairs and walked into her room, closing the door behind her. After she washed and changed clothes, she snuggled herself into the warm blankets and drifted off to sleep.

Down in the darkened room, the cats held a small meeting. "Did you guys see her expression? She was so concerned about her friend Jane, and we know that she's a dear friend to Charlotte. We must do something", Aurore's interest was piqued, worrying about their owner. "Aurore, don't worry. It could be a small problem, that's all", Ella replied. Adding to the conversation, Casper spoke, "I think Ella has a point. There's no reason to worry unless Charlotte is in deep trouble." Feodore chimed, trying to lift the mood, "Everything will be fine. Let's just have a good rest and be on our best behavior for tomorrow." Nodding in agreement, each cat curled up in their baskets.

Aurore stood still in the silent night having a strange feeling within her.

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