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March 22, 1843

Kingston, Ontario

When early morning arose, Mr. Wellington was about to leave the mansion and head off to the factory for the day. As much as he wanted the days to continue peacefully, they couldn't as his brows furrowed again feeling the piece of paper still folded in his pocket, knowing what had to be done. The carriage finally halted, and he climbed out and stood on the brick road. Many people worked in the markets, factories, shops, and more. He walked past these, heading into the bustling crowd and onward to a specific street and building.

Lots of businessmen were gathered, bickering and discussing with each other. Some light taps came from a wooden hammer, hitting the wooden block and gaining attention from everyone across the room. All eyes were on a man dressed in fancy clothes with a spectacle on his left eye. "So, we have gathered today because we have something important to discuss. We will be putting our focus on the trades and goods", he announced.

The businessmen looked at each other with confused faces. The mayor went to the board, uncovering the names of the businessmen which included Charlotte's father, John Wellington. It also showed the number of goods and stocks revealing the shortages, money waste, and late shipment. It seemed all too fishy. The businessmen concluded that they would try to make up the lost profit, forcing the workers to work overtime, making sure that this "little" problem wouldn't occur again.

Mr. Wellington, on the other hand, didn't like the thought of overworking his comrades, and that they deserved to have a good rest and breaks when they needed. Although he lost good profits, he still was wealthy. He hoped that nothing would degrade his business further. He walked to his carriage, leaving the busy town and heading to the factory.



The day started as Charlotte's eyes fluttered open, staring at her clock. Unfolding the blankets right away, she jumped up from her bed, washed her face, and changed her clothes for the day. Her dress was a light sky blue with ruffles, and her hair had a bow, complementing her brown hair and fringe. When she was finished, she quickly descended the stairs and into the dining area, where she saw her mother having breakfast. "Morning Mother", she chimed in. "Hello there, my dear Charlotte, and good morning to you as well", her eyes gleamed with a smile.

Sitting comfortably on the chair she then asked her mother, "Mother, where's Papa?" Replying to her question she spoke, "He had to take care of some business dear. He skipped breakfast this morning, but don't worry, I'm sure everything will be fine. Now, eat up. Your friends should be here any moment." With a small nod, she picked up her spoon and scooped a good amount of hot porridge into her mouth.

Soon two carriages arrived, along with two other horses. Charlotte rushed towards the entrance, right away receiving warm hugs and greetings from her friends. "Jane! Rose! you both came!', Charlotte's voice almost went high-pitched. The girls giggled. "Did you two have breakfast?", she asked them. Shaking their heads, she invited them inside while their butlers parked the carriages and took the girls' horses down to the stables for the time being. "Mother! My friends are here", she announced.

"Why hello there Rose and Jane, it's lovely to see you all", Mrs. Wellington greeted. "Hello Mrs. Wellington", they both said.

"Come, sit down and have breakfast with us", she gestured. The girls sat down. The maids brought more baked bread and porridge, while tea was being poured into the cups. After breakfast, her mother excused herself and headed to the library, while the girls headed towards the living room. "Hm, where are your cats, Charlotte?" Rose inquired curiously. "I believe they're finished with breakfast now. Let me call them," she responded. Soon, the sound of playful meows filled the room as Ruby, Ella, Aurore, Casper, and Feodore made their appearance.

The girls cooed them with delight, each picking up a furry companion to cuddle. Rose held Ella, Jane held Feodore, and Charlotte cradled Aurore, feeling the comforting purrs vibrating through their touch. They spent a delightful time playing and bonding with the affectionate felines. After spending some time playing with the cats, the girls decided to explore the vast gardens surrounding the mansion.

They began to chat and share stories, while a gentle breeze blew above them. "Do you girls want to go explore now?", Charlotte's voice was filled with excitement. "Yes! Let's do it!", they replied. Heading towards the stables, their horses greeted their owners with a neigh, pounding their hooves on the ground. Her dog Chester barked happily and jumped on one of the girls.

"Hello Chester", Jane giggled. "Down Chester. You're going to leave marks on Jane, silly dog", Charlotte ordered. Wagging his tail, he let out a whine. They gave him pats on the head. After the butlers helped the girls get their horses ready, each one took their companions out from the stables and then mounted them.

The girls trotted through the grassy paths as the horses' hooves thudded against the soft earth, the greenery around them vibrant and alive. They laughed, talked, and enjoyed the feeling of freedom as they explored the beautiful landscapes. Chester bounded alongside them, occasionally darting ahead and then back to the group, his tail wagging with joy.

The wind and warm sun kissed their faces when they stopped to walk around the green pastures. After riding and venturing, the girls made their way back, returning their horses back to the stables.

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