Chapter 15

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Ding dong ~

You pressed the door bell of your neighbour and patiently waited outside for her to come and open the door.

After waiting for a minute or two, Yunha finally opened the door. She was wearing a black lacy dress with a coat hung on her shoulders and a pair of black stilletoes which perfectly matched her outfit. She gave you an instant smile after seeing you you waiting outside.

"Please come in" she greet you inside and you walked past her.

"Thank you" you humbly spoke as you seated yourself on the sofa and keeping your vanity aside.

"No, I should thank you. Sorry for bothering you" she replied while rubbing her hands.

"Don't think that way, I would have been bored at my place anyways" you casually spoke when the door leading to the bedroom opened and a man came out folding the cuffs of his shirt.

"Ready honey?" spoke in a deep voice addressing to Mrs. Jung which made you look at him. He was a little shorter than Taehyung with plain yet sophisticated look and a well build stout physic.

"Ready" Yunha chimed after her husband and then addressing you to him she said "This is Y/N, our neighbour. The girl I told you about yesterday, she will be taking care of Soojin until we are back".

Mr. Jung smiled at you as you stood up from your place and bowed at the man showing him respect.

"Thank you for coming over to our place and taking care of our daughter" he said making you smile.

"Soojin!" Mrs. Jung called out and instantly a little four year old angel came out running from the bedroom with tiny feet taping on the floor. Her hair which looked as smooth as silk was tied in a small pony and she got her doe shaped eyes like her mother.

"Soojin don't be naughty and be like a good girl with Unnie, okay" her mother said softly yet seriously for that little munchkin to understand.

You couldn't help but smile heartily at the little sunshine as she walked over you.

"Are you going to stay here with me?" she asked in a voice full of innocence and sweetness.

"Yes, I will. My name is Y/N. Wanna be friends?"


"Damn Shit!" Jungkook cursed under his breath after seeing the long queue of cars in front of him.

"Yeah, indeed that's how he is like"

He beeped the horn of his car impatiently as Jimin's sarcastic comment rewinded at the back of his head giving him annoyance.

They used to be best friends and were together since pre school.

"All for a slut" Jungkook mumbled angrily as his grip tightend across the steering wheel.

"He thinks it was me who helped her cheat, but reality she was nothing but a whore who came upto. I just saved his life from that BITCH!" Jungkook groaned his jaw clenched of hatred. Hatred towards girls, whose reason is still not known to anyone.

All girls are same!

He thought and beeped the horn with all his effort thinking that it might woke up the sleeping drivers who stood with their cars in front of him.

"What's your problem young man?" the man owning the car at front of his asked by pulling his head out of his car's window, irritated of Jungkook's continuous beeping of the horn.

"Can you just move your fucking car and keep it somewhere else, I am in hurry right now" Jungkook spitted out his words, almost forgetting that he was in public.

The driver in front of him gave him a death glare and said "Mind your tongue boy!".

Calm down Jungkook you are in public...

His inner instincts warned him and he slowly recoiled his anger.

"I am sorry" he apologized to the man in front of him for cursing and waited patiently inside the car for the jam to get clear up.

Calm down, calm down, calm down....

The words slowing running at the back of his head as he closed but eyes and tapped his fingers on the steering wheel humming a solitary song when his phone rang.

He picked it up and saw the name Sara displayed on the screen.

Huh! Another one...

He picked up a phone with a smirk dueling on his face and a female voice was heard from the other side.

"Hello! Jungkook, I have something exciting to tell you" her voice sounded excited and Jungkook pursed his lips.

"What?" Jungkook bluntly asked, not interested in wasting his time talking to her.

"I broke up with my boyfriend! Now we have no one between the two of us" she laughed from the other side of his phone while a malicious grin appeared on Jungkook's face.

"Sara.." he spoke in a low heavy voice.

"What happened Jk? Not happy with the news?" she sounded worried now, in fact she knew that she was playing with fire but still she couldn't stop herself from getting burned in Jungkook's flames.

"Let's break up" he sounded cold while she felt numb.

"Wait! What! You can't do this to me! I left everything for y--"

He hung up the phone and slid it inside his jeans pocket after turning it off.

"Feels so good to dumb a bitch" he stretched his arms out and relaxed on his seat with a smile.

Girls like her do not deserve to be loved, they only know how to play with the hearts of their boyfriends and cheat them with other guys...

The traffic cleared and Jungkook accelerated his car again, on his way to his sister's house.

He drove all the way with convinient speed and parked his car in front of an apartment.

After getting down from his car he took his phone out to check the address, to check whether he has arrived at the correct place.

This is it....


"And then the Prince kissed his Princess and they lived happily ever after. The End." you closed the story book to meet an excited Soojin who looked at you with enchanted eyes.

"Another story! Another story! Please Unnie, please" she jumped up and down and you laughed at her cuteness.

"Okay, okay calm down baby, you will hurt yourself. Bring another book I will read it for you" you replied and the toddler instantly ran to her room to bring more books.

Suddenly the door bell rang and you were startled because it has only been half an hour since Soojin's parents had left and they told you that they will come back home late.

Did something happen that they had to come back?

You started worrying and walked towards the door with quick steps. You twisted the door knob and opened the door and saw someone else standing outside. Someone unknown to you.

And it was when a voice behind you screamed.

"Uncle Jk!"

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