Chapter 1: A Little One to One!

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New York City is the City that never sleeps, Logan never understood what that meant till he moved there just after his 22nd Birthday, he originally moved out here with just his old man because he wanted to pursue a career in Acting, he was only 15 then though so for three years, his father lived with him across the pond while his mother and sister's remained in the UK, Logan couldn't expect them all to pick up their lives and just move because he wanted to take a shot at something, now he's old enough to live on his own and make his own choices, have his own relationships, even if they do get him into trouble more times then not.

Logan: ... I don't get why your shouting? Just tell me what you want from me!?

Logan's been dating fellow Fame Star Ariana Grande since her separation from her husband, he's not sure why they split and he never really cared, it's Ariana Grande he was just quick to throw his hat into the ring for her next adventure, turns out although she's cute, talented and kind, she's also a little bit dramatic and expects Logan to know everything she's thinking.

Ariana: Do I seriously have to explain it!? Again!?

Logan's not sure what he's done wrong, it could be anything from forgetting their Months Anniversary to forgetting to text her once, it's nice and all to have a girlfriend but sometimes he does wonder if life would be easier being Gay, they seem really happy and in love, Logan's just getting headaches at this point, maybe it's the same for her though, he might generally be in the wrong but he can't apologies for it because she won't explain it to him.

Logan: No, let me guess and get yelled at some more!?

Ariana sighed as she turned and ran her hands through her hair, Logan didn't and just sat their on the couch and looked out to the New York City, he's got an apartment in the City, he doesn't need a house right now, he's not looking to get married and have kids for a very long time, if ever to be honest, he's had many relationships throughout his adult life and they've all ended, some on good terms, most ended like this.

Ariana: I can't do this right now...

Logan looked to her and watched her march up the stairs and towards the bedroom, she's been staying her quite a lot, maybe that's the problem, maybe they just need to take a step back from the other, sometimes spending all the time with the other isn't going to end as well as you'd think, so Logan chose to just stay here and let her cool off a little, that was until he heard the bedroom door open and close again, it's Ariana coming towards him but this time she's not in her comfy clothes, she's fully dressed and heading towards the door.

Logan: Where are you going?

Logan followed her as she grabbed her coat, her bag and her keys, she hasn't got keys to this place yet, they haven't been dating that long, just long enough to apparently be sick of the others shit, all this could have been avoided if she just told him what he did wrong, Logan's not the type to be stubborn and not admit when he's wrong, if he's done something to piss her off which he clearly has, he want's to know so he can apologies but she won't tell him, she just expects him to know what it is like he can read her mind or something.

Ariana: Out!

With that she slammed the door shut, Logan sighed and ran his hands over his face, if he knew what he did wrong or even said wrong then he'd have fixed this by now but the fact that he's not sure and he's honestly thinking it's his fault is eating him up right now, maybe if Ariana knew that then this would be an entire different conversation but it's not, Logan's standing here pondering what he's done wrong while Ariana is walking out the building.

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