007 | Tension

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*the next morning*

i woke up the next morning with a pounding headache, and some very interesting memories of the night before. i checked my clock on my bedside table and it read 11.20am, which is rather early for me on a saturday morning, especially after a night of drinking. i lazily rolled out of bed and chucked on my fluffy slippers, and decided to go and see how rory was doing.

i knocked on her door first, "rory, are you alive" i said and waited for a response, which i didn't get. rory hello?" i asked once more before just deciding to walk in as i got no reply once again. unsurprising, there she was, still asleep wrapped up comfortably in her piles of fluffy blankets.

"rory, wake up come on, i want to talk about last night" i said as i sat down on her bed, "rory, hello wake up!", still no reply.

"RORY" i shouted, and at last she woke up

"god rora, do you ever shut up, i could hear you, you idiot i was choosing not to answer" rory finally spoke.

"i knew it!, you bitch!" i replied, "do you remeber anything from last night?".

"yes of course i do, i didn't get nearly blackout unlike you aurora!"

i laughed in response, "hahah very funny rory, what can i say! i just like to have fun"

"if that's what you class as fun ro, sure, whatever you say" rory replied sarcastically

"anyways, did you 'meet your match' like grandma wanted us to?" i asked

"no rora, i was abit to occupied thinking about the whole fight with dean! not that you probably remember though, maybe you do on second thought, you weren't to far gone at the point"

i gasped "oh fuck yes, i forgot im so sorry, are you feeling okay about it now? he's not worth it anyways, you could do so much better than him. i've been telling you this for ages rory"

"yes ro, i feel fine now. like you said, he's not worth it i mean did you see that shirt and jacket he had on last night! i know your the 'fashionable' twin, but my god, it was so ugly!" she laughed

i laughed along with her "hahah, i didn't what to say anything about it because i knew you did like him, but that man needs to dress better!"

we both broke into a fit of laughter, still slightly delirious, maybe from the alcohol still in our systems, or from the fact we both had just awoken.
it's times like these that i'm so grateful to have rory as my twin, as cringy as it sounds.


*later that day*

me and rory had just stayed in our dorm all day, and watched movies and ate junk food, as we were exhausted from the night before.

i was layed in my bed, and i just couldn't stop thinking about how close me and logan were last night. i didn't know what we were, i mean we weren't anything, but we weren't nothing if you understand what i mean. maybe im just overthinking it, all the flirting could mean nothing to him sure, but to me it felt like something.

maybe i'm just delusional, who knows! but who can blame me i mean it's logan fucking huntzberger, he has girls going crazy for him left, right and centre!

just then my phone started ringing, i picked it up and answered quickly, not even checking the caller id.

"hello, who is it" i asked

the line was silent for a few seconds until i heard a very familiar voice "roraa" my sister said

"what do you want, and why have you called me! we're in the same dorm you idiot" i said

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