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Today was Friday meaning Emma is doing her after school three hour long practice session along with Cleo helping time her speed she also dragged Azaylia who would rather be at home hanging out with her cat, Luna or be at the beach watching the waves.

However, seeing how the universe wasn't on her side, sitting lazily on the edge of the pool, legs creating small rings, Cleo standing beside holding a stopwatch both watching Emma drive down the lane toward them.

"I don't get why I have to be here," Azaylia said, catching Cleo's attention.

"Because Zai, it's nice to support and help a friend," Cleo responded.

"Yeah but we've been here for three hours and I'm dying of boredom," Azaylia says before smirking, looking to the side. If she was going to stay here might as well have some fun out of it. "Hey didn't I see you and Lewis talking today at school"

Cleo looked at her weirdly hesitantly saying "yes"

"So tell me did you guys finally confess your dying love for each other," Azaylia asked, pulling her leg underneath her body, fighting the urge to laugh, watching Cleo's face turn the colour of a tomato.

"W-what, me and Lewis don't like each other," Cleo choked, feeling her face burn looking back at the water, Lewis and her together like holding hands, going on dates, kis- no no no no way, there's no way Lewis liked her. "Really then what were you two talking about?" Azaylia asked, having fun making Cleo fluster.

"Just making plans for our study session tomorrow," Cleo admitted,

"So a study date" Azaylia raised a brow in amusement, Cleo pouted, a little annoyed at Azaylia' teasing, but before she could response back, immersion out of the water, gasping for air Emma pulled back her goggles, Cleo quickly gave Azaylia a playful glare, stopping the watch and facing it to Emma. "Awesome that's the two points under my personal best" Emma smiled, feeling proud of her time.

"Emma you were really motoring there" Cleo mentioned.

"I'll do better than that tomorrow," Emma started, pulling back from the wall "Giving me two more weeks and I'll be ready for regionals," Emma finished placing her goggles back on and diving back into the water.

Both girls watched as Emma began doing strokes down the pool's lane. "So cool," Cleo said in awed, Emma was so cool at swimming and brave, even Azaylia wasn't afraid of water, she seen the dark-hair girl swim in the ocean once, nothing like herself, who couldn't even be knee-height at the pool and if she did ever swim, it was looked nothing like Emma and Azaylia but instead a fish on land. Cleo envy both of her friends


"Why don't you join the swim team Azaylia" Emma questioned, she been trying to get Azaylia to join the team for the longest, Azaylia was a amazing swimmer and even better than herself and that's saying a lot after all Emma was the captain and the best swimmer on the team, just look at the trophy her room and the bookshelf in her living room, there's thousands.

The two girls were walking back home together after finishing up with practice, unfortunately Cleo had to leave early to make it home before dinner, feeling bad for leaving Emma and Azaylia alone although Azaylia reassured her that it was fine and there was nothing to worry about.

However, maybe if Cleo stayed instead of leaving she couldn't have been victimised by Zane's cruel pranks. But then again how will they ever become mermaids?

"I feel like we already talked about this, Em" Azaylia recalled, fixing the strap of the bag on her shoulder.

"I just don't get it," Emma thought, Azaylia raised a brow telling her to continue " it's just you have the awesome talent, i saw you swim it like you're a part of the water, how you glide across the water remarkable."She would do anything to swim as beautiful and fast she Azaylia can.

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