Yakuza 35: Reasons

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Alkyrie Rave

"Are you sure about this, kid?" Rindo-sensei asked, his brows furrowing as he studied the reports before him.

"Yes, Sensei. It was sent from our organization. This is what Knight was looking into at the time they rescued me. I was supposed to meet him that time, which is why he came looking for me here," I explained.

"This all makes sense now. I'm glad I sent Aisaka to her aunt. But this other report—" he cut himself off, his forehead wrinkling before he turned to look at me.

"Yes, sir, but I can still aid you this time and go back when it's over," I reassured him.

"This will be difficult for you though. Are you really sure about this?" he asked me once more.

"Yes, Sensei," I replied, meeting his gaze firmly.

He scrutinized me, searching for any hint of hesitation in my words.

"Okay then, we'll proceed. But after this, I need to talk to you," his sincere voice laced with concern and sadness.

I nodded and bowed before taking my seat next to Shinji. We were in the meeting room, discussing strategies for tomorrow, although many uncertainties remained.

"I know all of us are a bit uncertain of what tomorrow will bring, and I, for one, can't shake the fear in me. But that doesn't mean we will let them take our home, our way of living, and the people precious to us. I don't want to lose any single one of you tomorrow because you guys are part of my family. I've seen how you work hard and how you protected this family, our home, and especially Aisaka. How you look after her like your very own sister, and I know that she holds all of you in the same regard. So, to those who want to sit out for tomorrow's fight against the Triad, please speak up. I won't condemn you if you do; you've already done enough for me and this family, so don't be afraid to speak up so we can move you to a safe place," Rindo-sensei encouraged everyone.

No one moved, and no one raised a hand. No one backed down; rather, everyone seemed more hyped, more energized, and more than ready to face the danger. They knew that everything Rindo-sensei said was true, and they knew how generous he could be.

"Tomorrow, I want everyone to watch each other's backs and protect one another. As we discussed earlier, we will be implementing the buddy system," he said.

"Yes, sir!" everybody answered in unison.

"Dismissed," Rindo-sensei said.

As everyone began to leave the room, discussing their strategies with their pairs and groups, I was about to leave with Ryu and Shu when Rindo-sensei called out to me.

"Rave, meet me at my office later," he said before exiting the room.

At the dining area, Ryu handed me a cup of sake.

"Drink this, Rave," Ryu said as I sat next to Shu.

"Isn't it too early for sake?" I asked.

They laughed at my comment.

"Lil' brother, nothing is too early for sake," Shu said, pulling me towards him with his arm around my shoulder.

I drank the sake, still not accustomed to the bitterness of the drink.

"Still can't stomach it, huh?" Shinji asked, laughing.

"Yeah. It's still bitter," I admitted.

We discussed how to tackle tomorrow's impending doom. After our lunch, I went to Rindo-sensei's office and knocked on the door.

"Come in," I heard him say.

I walked in and bowed.

"Please, take a seat," he said as he arranged the papers on his desk.

"Sensei," I acknowledged.

"Rave, I know you and Aisaka are close, and I even think you guys are developing feelings towards each other," he paused, his voice serious.

"Sensei, we—" I tried to say something, but he held his hand up, signaling me to stop.

"That's why I need to ask you one more time, are you sure about this?" he said, intertwining his fingers.

"Yes, Sensei. I am sure," I said firmly.

He sighed and stood up, facing the full-length window, his back to me.

"You know this will hurt her the most, right?" His voice was cold.

"I know, sir," I said.

He quickly looked back at me, his face serious but a twitch on the side of his lips betrayed his anger at my answer.

"Then why do it?" He managed to ask without showing his anger.

"Because if I don't, sir, it might hurt her even more shortly. It might scar her much more than anything she has been through, and I don't want to be the one to do that to her," I paused.

He looked at me intently, acknowledging that I might be right.

"I love her, I love your daughter, sir. More than anybody else, even more than myself. I didn't even know I could love. I didn't even know I had that emotion in me. I was raised to void myself from any emotion and raised to be a tool. But with her, after spending time with her, her antics, her laugh, and her anger, everything about her made me feel, made me love. She showed me the locked door to my emotions. This is also why I need to do this, sir because I don't want to be the reason that she won't be full of life," I poured out my feelings, laying bare my emotions.

He sighed after hearing my side, looking out the window once again, thinking.

"I won't tell her anything, not about this or your feelings. Even if she asks, I will be silent. I will still set her up with other potential husbands. But if you choose to come back and be with her as long as she isn't married, I won't say a thing. I'll even have you wed if that is what she wants," Rindo-sensei said seriously.

"Thank you, Sensei. Thank you for understanding," I said sincerely.

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