Yakuza 11: New Order

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Alkyrie Rave

I was on my way to the meeting room because Rindo-sensei summoned me. It's the perfect time to report what happened earlier. Though my foot hurt, I tried my best to ignore the pain and walked faster toward the Dojo.

When I arrived, Aisaka was already there. She was sitting in front of her father. I respectfully greeted them and sat beside Aisaka.

"Now, your report, Rave," Rindo-sensei said.

"There was a bombing earlier at the school cafeteria. I'm sure it was the work of the triad. The ones I fought at the cafeteria have similar triangle tattoos to the ones we encountered yesterday," I explained to him.

"So, you're saying that the bomb was just a decoy?" he asked.

"Yes, Sensei," I replied. He rubbed his beard, looking thoughtful.

"You have a new order, Rave. From now on, you are to stick to Aisaka's side no matter what. Your top priority is to make sure she does not leave your side. So, wherever one of you goes, the other will also follow. And after your classes, you are to go home immediately without any detours. Until we have found out who the hell is behind the triad attacks. And as for you, Aisaka, you are never to leave Rave's side, even during her samurai training. You are not to go anywhere except to school," he said seriously.

"What!?" Aisaka exclaimed in shock.

"But, father—" Aisaka tried to protest.

"No more buts, my dear child. Your safety is our top priority," Rindo-sensei said firmly.

Aisaka could do nothing but pout. So, this means I am never to leave her side, and it looks like we are under house arrest.

Weeks passed, and there were still no reports about the triads. There were also no movements or sightings of them again. So, yeah, I never left the young mistress's side since that incident, and we never went out with Reiji and Sheishi after that. The young mistress didn't even visit Sheishi at the hospital because of our house arrest, and she tried many times to sneak out, but we always caught her. Still, I found it peculiar that the triads had attacked us for two consecutive days, and then they suddenly disappeared without a trace.

At the dojo.

"Come on, Rave. Strike like you mean it!" Rindo-sensei said firmly.

I wielded my wooden sword and took a step forward as I struck Shinji, cutting straight down his mid-sagittal plane. But he avoided the attack by stepping backward onto his left foot and lifting both hands. We heard a rush of sounds in the air as we continued striking and avoiding each other's attacks.

"Nice. Nice. Keep up that great form of yours, Rave," praised Rindo-sensei.

After we finished the Kendo kata Ipponme, Rindo-sensei signaled for us to take a break. As I was about to take a break, I looked around for Aisaka, and she was sitting by the cherry tree just outside the archway of the dojo. She was just staring at the blue sky while she leaned back against the tree. At least she is not trying to sneak out again.

I know she doesn't want to come to my training, but this is one of her father's orders. I took a drink of water as I walked towards her. She didn't seem to notice as I got closer to her. She was reading a book while strands of her hair were blown by the wind, effortlessly. When I was close enough, she looked at me.

"Are you done?" she asked.

"Not yet, we are just taking a break," I said.

"Can you hurry up? I'm bored, and I want to take a bath," she said in annoyance.

"I'm not the one who decides when the lesson is over. I am the student, you know," I said, smiling.

"Pshh!" she scoffed, her right eyebrow twitching. She is cute when she's annoyed.

"Rave, come on, we need to do another 10 rounds of the kata," Shinji shouted.

"Be there," I answered. Then I looked at Aisaka, and she was glaring at me.

"What? It's not my fault. It's your dad's decision," as I shrugged.

"Just go! And make it quicker," she said, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Yes, young mistress, and don't try to sneak out while I'm fighting with Shinji," I said before going.

"As if. Shu and Ryu are not even blinking just to look at me," she commented.

I walked back to the dojo, and we started doing the kata again. It was already nightfall when we finished our training. I thanked Rindo-sensei and excused myself to go see Aisaka.

I instantly got alarmed when I didn't see her under the tree. I started looking for her, and I found her in the kitchen, eating a bag of chips. I felt relieved. Phew, I thought she snuck out again or was taken by someone. I went to her and grabbed her wrist as we walked to our room.

"Hey, where are we going? Let go of me!" she said, struggling to keep up with my pace.

"Didn't I tell you not to move a muscle a while ago?" I said, flatly.

"I'm hungry, and you took your time fighting with Shinji!" she complained to me.

"Why didn't you tell us, then?" I asked as we walked through the hallway.

"I had told Ryu, and Shu escorted me!" she said.

"Huh. As if, young mistress. Ryu wasn't even there after my training," I sarcastically said as we stood outside our rooms.

"Huh!? So, you think I am lying?" she said offended by my sudden implication.

"Whatever, just next time have someone get them for you," I dismissively said.

She stared at me narrowing her eyebrows before lifting one.

"Were you worried?" she asked teasingly.

I looked at her, and I was about to say yes, I was worried, but different words came out.

"No. It's just that you're my responsibility," I coldly replied.

"Okay," she simply said and went inside her room.

I also walked inside my room and picked up my bathrobe. While walking to the hot spring, I wondered, why did I lie?

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