Chapter 18

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"I am ordering the dinner, would you like to order something for yourself? The treat will be mine" he whispered in your ears making a chill run down through your veins.

You looked up to his eyes which were staring at you intensely making your heart pierce.

"Umm... Yeah, i-it's f-fine with me" you  
stammered with your words and Jungkook chuckled to make the atmosphere around you comfortable.

"Well then" he lightly spoke while wearing his Bunny smile and went back to his phone. You sighed out of relief as you were convinced that Jungkook was not bothered with your gazing.

"But it's almost nine thirty, I don't think any restraunt's service will be available now" you spoke, more relaxed and free than before.

"Nah, Panda Express makes late night deliveries" he winked at you and then looked back at his phone to order the food.

"What would you like to have?" he asked.

"Anything edible" you replied while holding on to your belly tightly and he laughed.

"Okay so Chicken Spring rolls and Noddles" he tapped on the options and selected the items from the menu.

After he was done he put the phone back into his jeans pocket and sat facing you with his legs crossed.

"So we haven't yet introduced ourselves properly" he uttered and you raised an eyebrow.

"We know our names, we have been talking for so long" you spoke casually while making gestures with your hand.

Jungkook sighed.

"Telling names doesn't mean introducing, anyone can just come and tell me his or her name" he explained.

"Oh I see" you nodded.

"Okay then, let's start you first!"


"Hyung?" Taehyung called Jimin who was standing on the rooftop ever since Jungkook left the party.

"I am not in mood to talk Taehyung. Just leave me alone" the peach haired boy replied coldly while looking above the night sky.

Taehyung took short steps and walked over his hyung who was standing at the edge. Не stood behind the peach haired boy with his abs pressing on the railing.

"You still angry with him about that incident?" the younger asked with a pitiful expression on his face.

Jimin clenched his jaw, his eyes becoming moist at the question and frustration hitting his heart like bullets as he groaned internally.

"Just leave me alone" his voice cracked as he held his tears back, he didn't wanted to look weak in front of the younger one.

"You just can't run from your weaknesses like this hyung! You are one of the strongest peoples that I know" Taehyung implied and banged his clenched fist on the railing wall.

"Accepting your weaknesses requires great strength, even some of the strongest people can't do it" the peach haired replied, his eyes fixed on the moon and a lone tear ran down from his left eye.

"But you have to forget Emma, you have to move on" Jimin didn't look at him and acted as if the words were not reaching his ears.

"How can you forget someone who once meant the entire world to you" Jimin barked, frustration replaced by anger. "It all happened for that bastard!".

"Just stop calling Kook a bastard. He saved your fucking life from that slut" a voice was heard from behind and both the boys turned around to to meet the mint haired boy who was listening to them from the beginning.

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