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Kristine's P.O.V.

Wait, did she say hiring for my team?

I'm not hiring anybody. Also, shouldn't she speak to me first then finance?

I walked towards my seat confused.

Maybe I should ask her now.

Yeah, I wouldn't be able to focus, anyway.

I feel like my whole day should be spent catching up with her.

I stood up and walked towards Deena's office. I knocked three times before I opened the door.

"Hey." She greeted and threw me one look and had her face down again, she was signing some papers.

"Hey, I know you said we'll catch up later but I just remembered something, did you say I was hiring?"

That got her attention and looked at me almost apologetically, she put down her pen and gestured for me to sit in front of her.

"Yeah, about that. Umm, I met someone from my Dad's place, her name is Jodie. She has a marketing communications background and was looking to get a job here in the city." I watched her face suddenly light up just at the mention of this girl's name.

"And I told her I have a friend who works with the same department and I'll see if she could be a good fit. I know, I know, you're not hiring at the moment but please see her. Interview her and see what she can do. She's great, Tine. She's funny, she's smart, she's... You're gonna love her, I swear." She continued with her face smiling from ear to ear.

"Please... For me?" She begged.

"Fine!" I surrendered after a minute of having a staring contest with her.

"Wait, are you dating this girl?" Asking this question brought bitterness to my mouth.

"What? No. She's a friend, a new friend. Plus, she's straight, I'm not falling again for yet another one." She chuckled and picked up her pen.

I know she was just joking, but that hits some nerves.

She must've seen my reaction and spoke again.

"So, umm, you'll meet her, right?"

"Uhh, yeah, yeah, of course. I'll check my schedule and let you know."

"Thanks, Tine. I owe you."

"Yeah, can I get you on that now, Dee?" I told her as I stood up from my chair.

"I guess. What do you need?" She asked, her brows furrowed.

"Well, I know you just came back and you probably have some plans already for tonight but, umm... Can we have dinner? I'll cook and maybe I don't know, spend the night at my place? I just... I missed you, Dee. I feel like you were away for two years and not two weeks that a brief catch-up was not enough."

Dee's face softened.

I'm not this emotional and I was never the one seeking attention or showing any clinginess but I can't help myself. 

The need to be with her is eating me inside so I spoke up. I just hope she won't shoot me down.

"Sure, Tine." Is the only thing she said but enough for my heart to grow and send those butterflies in my stomach.

I left her office smiling. The happiness I felt can't be hidden which was noticed by Thea.

Why this girl is always in this hallway?

She didn't say a word, it was not needed as her face says it all.

I ignored her teasing and went back to my office.

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