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Tine's P.O.V.

The dinner went well.

We talked more about her trip.

I let her tell me all in detail as I was really interested to know everything she did there.

While she told me all these stories, all I could think of was, how I wished I was there with her experiencing them.

Though it was not my ideal vacation, I mean, I don't like the woods and all but I think if I am with her, I'll be fine.

Earlier in the kitchen, I almost teared up as Deena said her piece.

It was her moving on from me and I don't know why it hurt me, I should be glad and happy because she'd finally be moving on. I've been telling her that, some of our friends have been telling her that, and now that it's happening, I suddenly felt the air being sucked out of my chest and my breath was caught in my throat.

I don't even think I am ready to see Deena dating anybody.

God, just thinking about that...

"You should get your feet dirty sometimes, Tine. Yes, it's dirty but it's fun, you'll see."

What was she telling me about?

Oh yeah, planting trees in the woods.

We were at the kitchen sink washing the dishes while she helped dry them.

"I mean, if you want, I'm gonna come back there in a month, you should come."

"Yeah, sure." I said almost immediately.

"Really?" Dee's eyes were round and big.

I'm not a fan of muddy places so it was a shock to her I said yes.

"Blink, Dee! It's not a big deal." I chuckled at her face.

"It is a big deal! You won't even come hike with me and you just said yes for picking up garbage and planting trees in the middle of the woods?"

"Well, maybe it's time I try doing something... Different."

Dee is still looking at me. Disbelief is written all over her face.

"Oh shut it, Dee! It's not like I'm going to live in the middle of nowhere, it's just gonna be one day, right?"

"More of a 3 nights and 2 days."

"Oh... Erm, we'll be staying at your Dad's cabin where there is a bed and bathroom, right?"



"Oh my god, what have you done to Kristine Mitchell?" She exaggeratedly said.

I scooped a water in my hand and threw it at her. She definitely didn't expect it as her face was so shocked as the water went to her face and chest.

She was wearing a white button-up shirt so when the water touched the fabric, I could see what was underneath.

My eyes fixated on her cleavage which was now very visible.

As the water went down her stomach, my eyes followed it.

I could feel my body screaming hot, my face hot, there were these things in my stomach that seemed to swirl inside.

What the hell was that?

I was back to my senses when I felt water in my face.

I didn't even notice Deena leaning over to get water from the faucet and sprinkling them on my face as retaliation.

I did the same multiple times and so did she.

And soon, we were both laughing, the tension from just moments ago dissolving into playful splashes and giggles.

The cool water was a welcome contrast to the heat I felt moments earlier, and as we both caught our breath, I saw a twinkle in Deena's eyes that made my heart skip a beat.

"Truce?" She asked, holding out a dripping hand.

"Truce," I agreed, shaking her hand with a smile.

For a moment, we just stood there, the sounds of the running faucet and our breathing the only noises filling the room.

I couldn't help but think about the way her shirt clung to her, revealing the curves of her body that I had never noticed before. It was like seeing her in a completely different light.

"You're soaked." I said, half-joking, trying to steer my thoughts back to safer ground.

"Yeah, thanks to you," she replied with a laugh. "I guess I better go shower and change. I'm using your clothes."

As she turned to leave, I found myself unable to look away.

The water glistened on her skin, making her seem almost ethereal. I shook my head, trying to dispel the lingering thoughts that threatened to overwhelm me.

What the hell was that indeed?

This sudden rush of emotions, the intense attraction... I had never felt this way before. It was confusing and exhilarating all at once.

As I watched Deena walk away, I knew what I felt minutes ago had shifted, and I wasn't sure what that meant.

But one thing was certain.

I couldn't go back to pretending I didn't feel something. And as scary as that was, it was also something I couldn't ignore.

Am I beginning to feel attraction to Deena?

I mean, I know I was turned on seeing her cleavage. I shouldn't feel that towards her. I never felt that towards her even when I see her dressing provocatively.

What is this?

The two weeks that she left, I was heart broken. All I could think of was her, what she was doing, who she was meeting.

And when she mentioned another girl she met, my stomach churned, I felt like my chest was being mentally punched over and over again.

And how about the jealousy I felt towards Sabrina?

I feel like for the first time, I was seeing things clearly.

The hate I feel towards that woman, the things Thea been saying to me about me being in denial about my feelings for Deena, what are friends been saying.

I mean... Is it really?

Am I liking Deena in a romantic way?

And, Oh my god...

The kiss.

The kiss that I couldn't shake off my head.

What I felt during and after, it was still all fresh like it just happened yesterday.

But wait...

I like Travis. He is so perfect for me.

And he is a guy.

I like guys, not girls.

Well, Deena is not just any other girl.

I sat on the stool Deena has sat at.

I feel like my head is spinnining with everything that is in my head.

I'm sure there is a logical explanation for all of these feelings.

I cannot just like Deena all of a sudden, I mean... Well, what do I mean?


If I hadn't seen what was underneath her shirt, I don't think I'd be thinking this way, or do I?


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