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Deena's P.O.V.

We've decided to use Kristine's car as anyway I'll be spending the night at her place and we'd be going to the office tomorrow together.

Seeing her after two weeks... Well, I really missed her. There's not a day passed by that I didn't think about her.

I know I should've done the opposite as the purpose of that vacation was to desensitize myself from her, but, damn, it was a lot harder than it seemed.

 Though, I honestly enjoyed my time away. Meeting new people, and doing things that are new and was not used to was really fun.

I never thought I'd be picking up garbage and helping clean the woods with strangers.

Jodie was really a nice girl. I liked her and I really enjoyed my time with her. She was a lot of fun, spontaneous, adventurous. The exact opposite of Kristine.

Tine was all for planning. Everything should work according to plan. I couldn't even take her out without her knowing all the details of where we were going as she needed to be dressed accordingly or bring the right stuff.

And I don't think there was a time when she went camping with me and other friends. 

She hates a place without a proper bathroom.

Anyway, even if Jodie was really cool, it's still gonna be Kristine.

Plus, the girl is also straight.

"Deep thought?" I was startled to hear Tine's voice.

"What? No." I looked around, we're at the stop. Tine was looking at me funnily.

"What?" I asked her, a bit conscious.

"Nothing." Tine smirked and hit the pedal when the light turned green.

We reached Tine's place in no time.

As soon as I enter, the familiar scent filled my nostrils.

"Want something to drink?" She offered.

"You have any soda?"

"Yeah, let me get you some."

I watched Tine's back as she turned to go to the kitchen.

"Want to watch me cook?" She asked when she handed me my soda.

"For real?" 

Tine chuckled before speaking.

"Yes, we can start catching up in the kitchen while I cook, and you, just watch and not touch anything at all."

I raised both my hands up and laughed as I followed her to the kitchen.

I remember the night I spent here with her, she cooked me my favorites, and we watched a movie, well... We were supposed to watch it but it did not happen.

... And that first kiss happened instead.

"Where did you go?" 

Again, I was startled to hear Tine's voice but this time, I felt her shake my shoulder.


"You're zoning out again, are you okay?"

I stared at Tine's green eyes.

Depending on the light reflections, sometimes it looked hazel.

She looked worried while her eyes fixed on me.

"I'm- I'm okay. Yeah, I'm okay." I grabbed her hands and removed them from my shoulder. "I just remembered something."

"Uh-ummm..." Tine narrowed her eyes, indirectly telling me that I was lying to her face but thankfully, she let it go.

"Go grab a seat there." She pointed at the stool behind the island counter. I obeyed her and positioned myself.

She started preparing her ingredients while I watched her every move.

"So, this girl, what's her name again? Jodie?"


"Is she umm... she..."

I don't know where this is going but I saw how uncomfortable she is starting this conversation but then was very curious so she still did.

"She's a friend, Tine. A very good friend."

"Yeah?" This time she looked at me.



We paused for a while.

"How are you and Travis?" 

Hearing my question made her stop cutting the onion, her knife still in midair.

"We're umm, we're okay. "


She looked at me again, and put down the knife.

"Listen, Dee. This guilt has been eating me since the day you left. I wanted to tell you since then but you surprised me with your sudden leave..."

"Tine, it's fine."

"No, it's not. I told you that I will tell you as soon as things escalate between Travis and I, and..."

"Tine... It's fine, really." I let out a soft laugh as I could feel her beginning to spin out.

I stared back at her green eyes, there is something in them that I cannot put a finger on.

She was staring at me like she was longing and sad.

She took a deep breath, her hands trembling slightly as she wiped them on her apron.

"I didn't mean for it to happen, Dee. Travis and I just...we just clicked. It was unexpected."

It was for me. I almost blurted out.

"Like I said, it was fine. Didn't I tell you before that I saw it happening? I know he likes you and eventually you will too?" I tried to steady my voice even though something was tugging my chest. I was surprised I even managed to give her a smile just so that she wouldn't worry about it too much.

"But I feel like I betrayed you." She said, her voice breaking. "Those days that you were not here... I have... I have missed you a lot, Dee."

I could feel the sincerity in her voice. I want to step down the stool, close our distance, and just hold her but I have to stop myself.

"How did you know, by the way?" She continued.

I saw you kissing.

I scratch that.

"Mr. Riva told me the morning I went to see him." I told her instead.

Tine nodded her head.

"Tine?" I called on her after a while of silence.

"I know you are worried about my feelings getting hurt. But like I told you before, it's fine. I will be fine. And I know Travis will take good care of you and he'll make you happy, that is enough for me, okay?" I tried to muster a compelling expression to show her.

It hurts but it's the truth though.

Her happiness is more important than what I am feeling for her.

"Now, finish making dinner. Those onions won't chop themselves." I joked which earned a shaky laugh from her.


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