yes, party. Jagi?

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Friday , 2PM
It was lunch time and you had almost finished your bowl of jjanjangmeon. The party was tonight, but you didn't seem to have a good dress for the occasion. In order for the CEO to have a good name as well, counts on their secretary. If the secretary does something stupid, people start looking down on the boss. It's kind of nerve wracking. You go to the mall to get a fancy dress, believe it or not assistant secretary's are RICH:)
You get back home, do some yoga and take a small nap.

Time pass...
you wake up, it's currently 6:15 and the event starts at 7. You put your dress on, apply some lip tint, eyelash curler and a tiny bit of blush.
Your dress was till your knee, black, golden buttons, with long black socks and heels. You felt sun-kissed. Your hair looks perfect and shiny. You blow a kiss to yourself in the mirror, totally feeling yourself, and leave.

P A R T Y 💌

You enter the venue, it is quite huge and had round tables almost everywhere. You spot your boss, he waves at you, and signals you to come towards him. You come towards him, and you greet eachother.
Seokjin: "Soo-ah, this is Mr. Choi, Mr. Han, Mr. Shin,Mr. Hwang...and Mr. Jeon
Soo-ah; "good evening."
Mr. Jeon; "Good-looking secretary , that's rare unfortunately.
*they laugh.* a bunch of men laughing leaves you with an awkward smile.
Mr. Choi; "well dressed as well."
Mr. Han; "okay, nice meeting you Miss Soo-ah!"
Mr. Hwang; "*scoff* nice meeting you"
Mr. Kim (seokjin) : "okay, your name tag will be on that table over there, the other employees are there as well."
You nod and sit on your reserved seat.
You chat with your employees and share drinks.

Time skip...
It's 9:30 and many people start to leave. You're on your phone until Mr. Kim approaches you. "Yes, sir?" "Can you come here? We need to talk." Damnit, did you do something wrong? You think. He pulls you behind the curtains on the side of the stage.
"How are you gonna go home? It's super late and a girl like you should think it's their biggest fear."
"Am I still calling you sir or?...
"I don't care , honestly. Where are you going after this."
"I'll probably head to yoongi's apartment, it's pretty close."
"Soo-ah, you know this is a sketchy place."
"I'll be careful, I promise!"
"Fine, you have my number. Call me if something happens. I don't trust people with all these crimes happening."

" w e l l , w e l l , w e l l. I wonder what's going on here"

You two look on your side and it's none other than the idiotic Hwang Hyunjin.
"Shut up Hyunjin. This isn't your business."

Damn, is this wrong?
I mean, would people misunderstand,?
Everyone's gone by now, thankfully Hyunjin as well
You grab your bag and leave the venue, waving to Jin, making sure he knows that you're leaving.

You walk when suddenly a big pile of water comes in your way. There is hardly any light. Just some streetlights that look like they rarely turn on fully. This street is full of narrow buildings. Okay, this place is a bit sketchy. You take out your phone for a flashlights until.

Three men came infront of you with a rope and a fishnet. Damn, I look like a fish? They seem to be running after you. You get startled and scream. You turn around like mad and start running with those foot breaking heels, "LEAVE ME ALONE!" What do you do? Your mind is flooded with thoughts. You trip on a rock, ofcourse. "GRAB HER" "NO! PLEASE, AGH" you kick the man which makes him screech in pain. You get up as fast as you can and go running back to the venue, praying that someone is there.

You reach the parking lot infront of the venue, and see a man opening his car door, 'hope I don't embarrass myself..."
You hug the man from the back , "j-jagi! These men-"
The man turns around to be, none other than ‼️your boss‼️💫 you've really embarrassed yourself now.
You thought your life was over , until
"soo-ah?" "jagi, please help m-"
He turns around "Jagiya, are you alright? What's happening? And who are these men ?"
"We're someone. We need the girl."
"Her? Why do you need her?"
"What's with all the questions lad? Just give her."
He understands the situation and plays along

"we need the girl. There won't be no problem , just giv' er." The men say, breathlessly.
"Her? Why would I give her to you?"
"I'm her husband."
The men drop their jaws and start walking backwards like insane people.
"Now shoo off before I call security."

Your still dug into his chests while his palm is caressing your back. The men running could still have their footsteps being heard. Whats going on? You're not hugging your boss right now. Your, definitely not absolutely crying your eyes out, right? Well you're wrong. You are

"shh, yaa it's okay. Those scumbags are gone. Are you hurt?"
You lift your head up and wipe your tears. "Y-yeah. I'm fine."
He looks down and sees your knee bleeding. "Your knee is bleeding the heck out right now. Come in my car."
You enter his cars backseat sitting, once again, awkwardly. He comes in, opens the cabinet infront of you, and gets a bandage.
"Lift your knee. I'll have to put this on." You lift your knee and rest it on the side while he opens the bandage.
There's silence. You stare at him. "sorry for calling you that." You say in a low tone. "Sorry for calling you what?"
"you want me to say it again? Hmmph. Jagiya." He smiles.
"Aish, what's with all the smiling."
"Aside from that, How did you get away?"
"I might've... yk, kicked?"
"Kicked what..."
You two freeze while laughing , looking at each other.

You stared at eachother in silence. This cannot happen. Fuck it, you're in it too-

Soo-ah POV

He came closer to me, his eyes sinking into mine with what seemed to me was love, but also held desire as he held my chin. I trailed my view over his features, taking in every last detail as the tension grew. I didn't feel awkward anymore..

"so... can I kiss you?" he said, "w-what?"  I said shocked yet flustered , 'I asked if I could kiss you idiot"  I responded, "I-I mean yeah, absolutely! i just didn't expect you to be so straight forwa-"


Every thought filtered through my mind as my eyes gently fluttered close. Was this really my first kiss, was I really going through with it? His lips connected to mine as I immediately melted into his arms and he tightened his grip. We broke away for a moment, looking at each other and both blushing as I looked at him before he kissed me again, stronger this time as I wrapped my hands around his neck. my heart pounding every second as I struggled to realize this was reality, I , soo-ah, am having my first kiss. I'm supposed to be a bit dramatic, obviously, right?...
It was like a new sensation to me, I didn't want to let him go. What is this? Is this love or desire ?

1262 words ~

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