stop the awkwardness

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next day;
y/n pov

I woke up, took a toast and spread some jam and butter.The night was a hassle. Got a kiss, by my boss? Called each-other sweetheart? Awkward drive home? How did this happen in a duration of one night. God. How do I go to work without literally being the most miserable person on earth. I mean, the kiss did feel good.. but what would dating him be like. Mess.

...okay that was kind of a lie. I would really date him. But kinda worried about him. Will it ruin his image? I mean, the CEO's yesterday thought I was good-looking and well dressed. They won't find it a problem. Right?

I walk inside the building, glad that it feels like a normal day and no one's staring like I thought they would do. I walk into the CEO's room. "Good morning, uh- sir."        "Good morning Soo-ah.."

My Twisted Secretary (Kim Seok-Jin)Where stories live. Discover now