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After the war between Heaven and Hell and Adam dying, there was chaos and excitement in Hell. Many demons and sinners were happy that they avoided dying and the extermination was over, others worried about how Heaven was going to react. Alastor was still injured, despite coming back and acting fine. He had large wounds that wouldn't heal on their own, and even if he did manage to heal them, it would take weeks. No one asked about it, but they still noticed. Eventually, Charlie worked up the courage to ask.

        "Alastor? Are you alright? You've been limping around all day..." Imminently, he put on a larger and more confident smile. "I'm quite alright dear, it's just a small injury from the battle. I'll be fine!" He lost his radio voice towards the end and his voice cracked a little, mainly because he didn't want to seem weak in front of them. "If you say so... " Charlie said, slightly skeptical. She walked away, continuing to talk to Vaggie, sometimes glancing back at Alastor. After Charlie left, Alastor sighed. "Can't fool her for too long, can I" He walked over to the bar where Husk was sitting, Angel once again trying to flirt with him. This time, something was different, Husk was actually smiling at his remarks. "Husker, my friend, pour me some wine, would you?" Husk grumbled in response, reaching for a glass and some wine.

      At that very moment, Lucifer came down the stairs and went to make pancakes, as he promised to Nifty. Alastor rolled his eyes at the blonde and how confident he was, but he couldn't help to be a bit captivated towards him. He snapped out of it when Husk passed him his drink. He mumbled out a small "Thanks" before continuing to watch Lucifer. For some reason, he couldn't keep his eyes off of him...

    A/N 311 words!!! Most chapters won't be this short, I'll try to get another chapter out today if I can! Thanks for reading! This is just the prologue, The next chapter will have more interaction between Lucifer and Alastor.

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