Chapter 20

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Locking up the door from outside, you walked out the building while putting the keys inside your backpack safely.

"You are five minutes late" you heard a familiar voice calling for you when you walked towards the building gates while looking at your watch.
Raising your head up you saw Taehyung standing beside his handsome metallic giant. He was wearing a pair of dirty blue ripped jeans and an oversized full sleeved T- shirt with white body and yellow sleeves which were curled up at his elbow.

He greeted you with the same notorious smirk which sometimes intrigues your alarming instincts.

You on the other hand were wearing a mini check skirt and a white crop top with geometric patterns drawn in the centre.

"Thanks for the information" you blurted letting out a sarcastic smile.

Taehyung gazed at you. His eyes moved from your legs, to your waist, to each of your curves and then it finally paused at your face. He found your face beautiful.

"What are you looking at?" you cocked your brows and gave him a smirk.

"I thought you were uncomfortable with short clothes" Taehyung clicked his tongue and grinned.

"Mom has some cool street outfits for me, for my University" Taehyung nodded his and kicked his bike for a start.

"I must say your Mom's fashion sense is better than you" he slightly scoffed and handed you a helmet.

You hopped on behind him and then clutched his shoulders with a tint of disgust growing in your head because of his continuous teasing.

"Thanks for saying that. Now just drive you dork"

(Reached the college)

"Stay right here and don't go anywhere till I come."

Those were Taehyung's orders before he left you in front of the college gates to park his bike. It has been ten minutes and he hasn't returned yet.

What's taking him so much time?

You thought, impatiently tapping your right foot on the ground with your arms crossed.

You just couldn't resist yourself anymore from going to the other side of the gates and break Taehyung's orders.

He won't make a great deal out of it if I don't listen to him.....

You walked over the other though you knew that Taehyung will make a fuss out of it later if he doesn't see you standing where you were supposed to be.

I am not a kid that I need someone to accompany me inside, and moreover what more will happen inside?

Well that was your greatest misconception, thinking that absolutely nothing will happen to you, absolutely nothing.

You walked with slow steps admiring the trees, the flowers linerd up on both the sides of the cemented path which lead to the college building There were students everywhere around in small groups, some chattering loudly or probably making a joke and some laughing hysterically with a book pressed on there chests. It was like a dream place for you until someone gave your bag a hitch and your bad luck started.

The sudden pull from behind had made you lose your balance and you stumble backwards somehow managing not to fall and make a fun of yourself in front of everyone else.

Turned back to face the person who had done this stupid thing to you. At first you thought it was Taehyung but you were a bit shocked to see someone else there.

It was a girl with a pony tail approximately 3 inches taller than you, she was wearing a black tank top with a pair of skinny black pants and a red check print flannel was wrapped around her waist with a tight knot. You gazed over her or better say that you gazed at outfit because it looked as if she has come to exercise and not to study.

Hi, my name Soorin" she introduced herself first but you had the feeling that something was wrong.

"Hello, I am Lee Y/N" you shrugged your shoulders a bit and hugged the book tightly in your chest.

"Newbie?" she cocked her eyebrows and smirked making your suspicion arise.

"Yes, but why?" you arched one of your eyebrows and the girl very slyly clicked her tounge.

"Nothing. Just like that. No specific reason. I am in the second year though" she replied and shrugged while slightly nodded your head not understanding why all of a sudden a second year student is suddenly so interested in you.

Maybe she is just friendly....

You tried to confront yourself by telling all the positive may's to yourself but still that didn't help to restrain the flow of questions running through your head because a girl with a bottom lip piercing can't be so bubbly by nature and something was definitely fishy.

"Well, I like to make friends and stay with lots of people. But my friends haven't even come yet, so can I stay with you?" she was careful in placing her words and you noticed that.

Nibbling your bottom lip you hesitantly replied her with a not so sweet 'yes' though your gut was against it.

"You are new here so you don't know much places, and as there is nearly an hour left for the first class to start I would like to take you to the music room. It's a wonderful place" she said while tugging her blonde highlighted hair behind her ear showing off the exotic spikes like earrings.

She walked ahead and you followed her, telling yourself that nothing will happen and if something does then you will be able to handle it alone.

But as you followed her you felt strange, you felt glances of other students falling on you.

As you studied there eyes you felt that they were having a kind of sorry feeling for you and you couldn't understand the reason behind that till then.

Soorin took you to a place where the crowd of the students was much less, in fact there were none. It looked much like the restricted section of the college building where students were either not supposed to come or they don't come.

"Here we are..." the girl paused in front of two giant wooden door and pushed one for you to enter.

You slid yourself swiftly on the other side of the door and found many other girls there but there was something wrong with their expressions. Some gave a devilish smirk while some looked scared for some reason you didn't know. The scared one's, five in number were standing in a line beside one another. You were about to ask Soorin what was going on then suddenly you heard the noise of closing the door.

You turned back and saw Soorin standing in front of the closed door with a malicious grin sticking on her face.

"What the hell?"

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