Chapter 21

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"What the hell?" you said, a bit louder than your actual tone, not understanding what was going on around.

"A new chick?" you heard a girl say from behind.

"Yes" Soorin replied with a smirk replacing the grin. "Another fool".

Before you could reply to that remark felt someone pulling your bag from your shoulder.

It was a girl with twin braid and a black hand band with 'Seoul Queens' written on it. You saw the same band on Soorin's hand before which concludes that it was not an ordinary band but a mark of their group that each of their group members had worn.

After a lot of pushing and pulling the twin braided girl succeeded in taking the bag from you.

"Hey, stand in the line beside them." a girl from the corner spoke. She had lollipop in between her fingers which she was occasionally licking. Her hair was dyed in dirty blonde and she was dressed in all black, trying to look cool or maybe fierce but her attitude was the nastiest thing you have ever seen.

You didn't follow her commands and stood uprooted at your spot.

"Hey you! Didn't you hear what the leader told you just now?" the girl with the twin braid snapped at you while you glared at their leader.

"What are you looking you piece of shit?" Soorin barked and stormed towards you, ready to beat you up any second but her enthu was stopped by another girl whose hair was a pixie.

"Don't stop me Sara!" Soorin tried to unstrangle her arms.

"Leave it Soorin, let leader handle this" the girl spoke while looking at you.

"Hey! What's taking you so much time? Do you need any special invitation?" another girl with red hair spoke while she clenching her fist.

You pursed your lips and sighed.

Simple bullying, not expected in such a prestigious place like this. What a shame!

You thought and stood in the line with the other victims. But the strange thing was that you were neither afraid nor you were nervous, and it was unexpected of your nature.

"I don't like her attitude" the twin braided girl spoke but was soon stopped by her leader.

"Leave it Shin. The wildest cat should be tamed at the end" the girl spoke while looking at you.

You clicked your tounge and looked on the other side, cursing yourself for not listening to your guts. Then you carefully examined tour surrounding.

There were six new students including you. The girls looked scared except you who was utterly pissed off at that moment.

The other girls or better say the bullies were ten in number each with an disgusting attitude and immense self confidence which made them look like fools.

"Soorin, its your turn" their leader said and smirked at Soorin.

"Yes boss!"

Soorin moved to one of the girls there standing in the line with you. She stood in front of her in the Wonder Woman pose with a smirk sticking on her face.

The girl facing her was afraid, her fear was clearly visible though she was wearing a pair of spectacles.

"I-I am s-sorry please d-don't h-hurt me" she spoke in low shaky voice and Soorin let out an annoying sarcastic laugh.

She grabbed her by the hair and punched her in the jaw letting her glasses fall on the ground and she moaned in pain.

"Leave her alone!" you hissed and glared at Soorin driving the other girls' attention towards you "Don't you dare touch her again".

Your eyes suddenly froze like frost as if as the emotions and kindness has drained from them leaving behind a cold heartless person.

"Who do you think you are?!" a girl with black shorts screamed and everyone else glared.

"A stupid nerd who is trying to be cool" the twin braided girl added while dropping your books on the floor making the others laugh.

Your blood boiled when you saw your things scattered on the floor.

"How dare you touch my thing?!" you screamed this time making the whole hall go quiet.

The twin braided girl bit her bottom lip and glared at you. She came storming towards you and was about to place a punch on your face but was skillfully blocked by you.

"You are dead now" you mumbled under your breath.

Clutching her wrist you twisted it full strength and punched her in the jaw hard enough to make the girl fall on the floor. She moaned in the floor while holding her wrist with another hand as she tucked her nose in her belly and cover her face with in between her arms.

Everyone else in the room was shocked except you. You knew what you were doing.

One fell nine left.

"You daughter of a BITCH!" another came but was again tackled you but before you could hit her, make her fall like the previous one two more attacked after seeing that the fight was going out of their hands.

They grabbed each of your arms and placed you in between them so that you can be like a human punching bag for the other girl who was having a tough time with you.

At that time they got you but you proved them wrong when you jumped and kicked the girl right on her belly in front of you and fell. The girls holding both your hands were shocked, their grip automatically loosened up when they saw their companion lying on the floor.

Taking advantage of the situation you grabbed both the girls by their collar and smashed their heads together. It was a knock out moment.

Four out six left...

"Who else wishes to fight now? I am ready" you roared and this time five came with Soorin leading the pack.

It's going to be fun...

Two on left, two on right and Soorin on the centre.

One foot sweep. Three high kicks. Two round kick. High Punches to the right amount. Tackle and Dodge. Five knee kicks and and and Back Kick. Then Stomp!

Everything was well calculated in your mind as you stood there with the Jackie Chan pose.

And Dang!

The fight didn't even last for ten minutes even though Soorin was a tough competitor.

Nine out one left...

"Do you still wish to fight?" you smirked at their leader who was standing aside, speechless.

"I can't believe that you guys couldn't handle this new chick" she clicked her tounge at disgust and sighed.

She was ready and so where you.

She was shook after seeing her girls getting defeated and you were confident after knocking off nine girls.

You were tired and she was active.

And the last fight for the day began.

The girl was fast and her skills were also remarkable, no doubt she was capable enough to be their leader.

For the first ten minutes you couldn't attack and only tackled and dodged her punches and kicks. You just wanted to keep her busy till she's gets exhausted, so you dragged the fight by not attacking though it was becoming tough for you to restrain her without fighting back.

The girl became mad everytime she missed to hit you on the face and her fell for your trap and wasted all her energy on you.

She kicked, she punched, she missed and she grasped for breath.

She got exhausted. As expected.

And it was your turn now.

You placed a hard fist on her belly and jaw respectively making her surprised and step back, then taking advantage of the situation you foot sweeped making her fall on the ground.

You were about to get on top of her and place a few more punches in her face but then suddenly the door open and you recoiled.

"Oh My! What a scene!"

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