Chapter 22

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"Where the hell did this girl go?" Taehyung groaned while running his fingers through his hair aggressively, not very pleased to see that you were not there at his expected spot.

"She needs to learn a lesson! Let me just find her!" he kicked the dust with his converse and rushed towards the entrance.

He knocked at everyone with a picture of yours on his mobile screen and the same question repeating again and again "Have you seen this girl anywhere around?". But none had any helpful answer.

He checked out every possible room where you could possibly be but he was left dissapointed when he couldn't find you.

Something was building up inside him, an unknown fear was spreading in his heart and eating him up rapidly.

He unmindfully ran through the corridor and crashed to a boy. A first year student.

"Oh, I am so sorry-"

"Hey, it's Taehyung! Long time since we last met" the boy smiled at him. He had pitch black mono eyelid orbs with matching black hair and a cute face.

"Oh! Yeonjun!..... Sorry I didn't notice, I didn't know that you took admission to this University. Glad to see you here" Taehyung somehow pulled up a friendly smile while his head was messing up.

"Yeah, I did!" the boy replied cheerfully but soon noticed the worry I'm Taehyung's eyes. "Is something wrong? You look worried..."

"Actually I was looking for someone" he replied impatiently. "Maybe you can help. Have you seen this girl?"

He pulled out his phone and showed a picture of yours to the younger one who looked at it with squinted eyes.

"Is she your girlfriend?" Yeonjun's asked as soon as he saw the photo.

"We can discuss about it later... Have you see her?" was impatient and was not in a mood of discussing such stuffs with Yeonjun at that moment.

"Yes, I guess I have-" the boy couldn't even complete that Taehyung stopped him by interrupting.

"Really! Where? Tell me fast" he said in one single breath.

"I saw her going with a girl. Maybe a senior, she took her to the restricted area...."

"Holy Shit!"


"Oh My! What a scene!"

The door of the old music room flung open and three boys came in. The one in the middle seemed to make the comment while you were still on top of the girl.

The boy looked at you with a smirk and then to the girl who you were about to smack if he had not arrived.

He was wearing a red T-shirt and a pair of deep blue jeans. He had dark brown hair with blonde highlights and a piercing on his left ear. He is kinda tall but not as much as Taehyung.

"Seems our great Hana is knocked out by a newbie. What a shame!" one of the three boys spoke and instantly the other two started laughing.

The other new students ran out of the room as soon as it was opened by the boys, leaving you alone with a bunch of nasty seniors. You became the centre of their. The girls looked at you with hate and the boys gave stares which made you uncomfortable.

Where is Taehyung? He must be worried..... Why couldn't he find me?

These are the things that ran at the back of your head as you slowly got up from the girl and went to get your bag pretending that nothing happened.

While you were picking up the books which were dropped by Hana one of the three boys came extremely close to you. The one who stood in the middle on a red T-shirt.

You raised your head and your body jerked seeing him suddenly standing so close to you.

"Excuse me"

He moved closer.

You stepped back. But he didn't stop. He kept on coming closer and you kept moving back until your back hit the cold wall.

Your mind went blank. Fighting with the girls is different from fighting with the boys, and you knew it.

"I am Choi Daniel" he said, blocking you in between his arms. "What your name Kitten?"

You glared at him for calling you Kitten and he scoffed.

"Opps, this Kitten is a wild one" one of the boys spoke from behind and Daniel smirked.

"I see" he moved his face closer to yours and whispered "But I know how to tame wild Kittens like her"

"It's my Kitten Dan!"

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