Past is past.

865 6 39

Requested by: No one! Its 3am n I saw a happy partybeetle tt so I wanna write sum:3

Also I need more requestsssssss.. Gimme moreeee!!


The sweet scent of a freshly baked apple pie wafted throughout the party-goer's apartment, Poob had invited Pest over to teach them on how to bake apple pies and the beetle had surprisingly agreed.

" is it don yett?? " Poob questioned, Leaning over Pest's shoulder in anticipation. Earning a gentle shove from Pest to get them a bit farther away from itself, Hissing at Poob for a moment before focusing on the task at hand.

" まだ. " The beetle spoke in different words, Receiving a confused head tilt from Poob. " huh?? " He murmured. " oh!! I think I kno dat one!! U said 'Not yet' rite?? " The party-goer beamed, Smiling brightly.

Pest was surprised they had managed to guess correctly before nodding at them, Glancing at the oven with his ruby red eyes for a moment before leaning on the counter. Waiting for it to finish as it took out his phone, Bored.

" It should be done in a few minutes. " Pest stated, Glancing at Poob to make sure he was paying attention. To which, The Party-goer was in fact listening. Walking over to Pest as he pushed them-self on top of the counter, Adjusting himself to be in a sitting posture before glancing over at Pest's ifone.

Pest was scrolling mindlessly through whatever app he was on before stumbling upon a picture of Mannequin_Mark with Wallter, They had just gotten married last week. The ceremony was amazing but the party sucked, He had only stayed because Poob made it go anyway.

Poob saw the photo and smiled, He was happy for the married couple. They sometimes argued about weird stuff but they were still an amazing couple anyway, Maybe he and Pest could be like them?

The Party-goer shook off that thought as soon as Pest scrolled past the photo, Gently pressing his head against Pest's shoulder as a headrest. Glancing up at the beetle only to notice he was staring right at him, Causing Poob to smile at it.

Pest chitterd at the sight of Poob smiling, Glancing away nervously before muttering "なんて愚かなことだ.. " in a different tongue, Glancing over at the oven for a few moments and looking back at it's Ifone.

Poob kicked his feet over the edge of the counter as they smiled softly, Enjoying the beetle's presence next to himself as they shut his eyes for a few moments.

People said Pest was bad but they don't see the way he was with Poob, Pest was a amazing guy but he had issues and that was okay. Pest had a tendency for being rude and it was fine, Pest could be rude to him whenever he wanted.

Pooh's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the oven beeping, Opening their eyes quickly as he glanced over in the direction of the noise. Hopping off the counter as they opened a drawer for mittens, Grabbing them and putting them on before opening the oven.

The delicious scent of the Apple Pie filled the room, It was delightful. They grabbed the pie tray out of the oven and placed it onto the counter. Looking at the pie in awe, Clearly happy with how it turned out.

Poob took off the mittens and looked at Pest, Grinning ear-to-ear. " hey pest!! " They called out before doing a pose to showcase the Pie. " Ta-daaaa!! " The Party-goer exclaimed.

The gesture managed to make Pest smile a bit, Putting away his Ifone as he approached them. Glancing over at the pie before looking back at the overjoyed noob, A hint of approval in his eyes.

" You can go ahead and eat. "

Poob awakened from his dream, Groaning softly as he rubbed their eyes. Opening and closing his eyes in a attempt to freshen up, Pushing their body upwards in an attempt to sit up.

They frowned at the thought of the dream reappearing in his thoughts, Pest would never be as nice as he was back then ever again. It was over 6 years ago, Past is past.

Poob stood up from bed and put on his party hat, Making his way out into the kitchen as he began looking around for pancake batter. Failing to find any as he decided to give up and search the fridge instead, Opening the fridge and staring in surprise.

A freshly baked apple pie.

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