
823 6 89

Requested by: remade101

yayay!!! btw myt freind is wtagchinbg me wriet dis so!!!

includes a few ships.. one being my rarepair... ghuh

Pest walked on the grass towards the Happy Home that belonged to Poob, Carrying a duffle bag and other stuff for the sleepover Poob had asked him to bring. He couldn't even believe Poob managed to convince him to come, He could just not show up anyway.. But he was almost there anyway.

The beetle enjoyed the quietness of the walk, The sky was dark and the stars shined brightly. The moon hung low in the sky, casting a soft, silver glow over everything in sight. It was just him and the night.. For now.

He sighed as he saw the Happy home up ahead, Having the Impulsive thought to turn back around and leave. Deciding against it for now as they walked towards the front door, Hesitating for a moment before knocking on it a bit aggressively. 

The beetle heard footsteps rushing towards the door, The doorknob twisting as the door swung open. Poob leaning against the wall next to the door as they smiled nervously at Pest, Trying to breathe normally.

'' HIHI!! i didn know u wuld actualy com!! '' They smiled brightly, Happy that Pest didnt ditch the sleepover last minute. '' 迷惑な. '' He crossed his arms, Annoyed. '' Just shut up and let me in. '' The beetle glared at the party-goer. 

'' ok!!! sry!! '' Poob backed away from the door, Letting Pest step inside and take in his surroundings. Noticing that other people were here too, Such as fl.. Fleshcousin? How did Poob manage to drag that thing here?

Poob closed the door behind Pest before walking in-front of him, Doing a hand gesture for Pest to follow him to where the bags were currently placed. Pest followed after them, Placing his duffle bag down against the wall.

Pest was (FINALLY) allowed to do his own thing at the sleepover, Walking over to the couch that somehow had no one sitting on it yet as he plopped down. Observing everyone interact with each other as he took out his Ifone and headphones, Plugging the headphones in the Ifone as he turned on music.

He rested his head on the arm-rest, Continuing to observe the others interact. What was odd to him was.. Mark and Wallter weren't arguing and actually getting along, Chatting and laughing with each other.. Not a single bit of hatred in their eyes as they chatted, They were finally getting along.

Fleshcousin and Pilby were.. Oddly close,  Perhaps Fleshcousin's nonsense made Pilby laugh? It was confusing, The both of them didn't seem like they would turn out to be friends or something at all.. Pilby didn't seem upset about anything, So it was... Fine.

Split and Bive had began dating recently, So it wasn't much of a shocker to see them cuddling together. They were also chatting and doing lovey dovey shit, Which was normal. They were a cute couple anyways...

Pest spotted Poob sitting in front of the television, Watching a series along with Infected and Lampert. It was a object show or whatever it was called, He didn't find much use in watching them anyways.

However, There wasn't much else to do so he paused his music and pushed himself off the couch. Walking over to Poob, Planning on scaring the Party-goer. Having a grin plastered on his face as he stepped closer, Chuckling quietly.

Pest was finally behind Poob, About to scare them as Lampert noticed. About to warn Poob about the beetle who hung over them, Not managing to get a word out as Pest tackled Poob to the ground.

Poob screeched in shock which caused everyone to turn around and look in the direction of the scream, Pest had Poob pinned to the ground in a.. Odd position that they didn't notice at first.

Pest was then thrown off of Poob towards Infected, Knocking them both to the floor as he heard Mark yelling at him. Mumbling in annoyance as he pushed himself off Infected, Sitting up right as he turned his head towards Mark.

Pest's red beaming eyes glared at the mannequin in annoyance as Poob recovered from the tackle, Chittering at Mark before turning to Poob. His eyes softening at the sight of Poob smiling at him, Clearly a bit surprised.

Mark was still yelling to the point Wallter had to get him to shut the fuck up, Dragging him back to where they were and what they were doing prior. Mark complaining about Pest as Wallter attempted to get him to calm down, Managing to get Mark to hush down a bit.

Poob merely giggled as they leaned towards Pest, Hugging him gently as Pest softened in Poob's arms slightly. Pest was a bit annoyed with the gesture but decided to not do anything, Placing a arm around Poob's waist as a slight hug.

Lampert had helped Infected sit up right after being hit to the floor by Pest, Making sure to be careful to not get Kasp... No, Infected's disease as well. Having a concerned look on his face as he made sure Infected as alright..

" 1m @lr1Gh7 bR4H.. " Infected giggled as he reassured Lampert, Having a small smile plastered on his face as he held Lampert's hand in his. " Infected, Pest was thrown at you harshly.. Are you sure you're alright? " Lampert questioned in a concerned tone.

" D00d, Y4H I @M! 0N1Y g07 @ b1t 0f @ h3@D@cH3! " Infected smiled as he held up a thumbs up, Attempting to calm down the lamp. " If you say so.. " Lampert looked away nervously, Still concerned about Infected.

Time had passed and it was about 2am, Spilt brought a sleeping bag that could fit both her and Bive.. Mark and Wallter were sleeping together.. Infected and Lampert were next to each other but not touching..

For some reason, Pilby decide to sleep next to flesh cousin..?? It was a bit odd but it kept Pilby from throwing a pity party over their 'momma' every now and then, So it was fine.

Pest SOMEHOW forgot to bring a sleeping bag and had to share the couch with Poob, Shifting around uncomfortably as Poob clinged onto him in order to not fall off. In fact, Poob was already falling off but somehow still on the couch.

Pest sighed before wrapping a arm around Poob as he pulled the party-goer onto his chest so Poob would have to cling onto him any longer, Earning a surprised stare from Poob in the dark before smiling softly.

Pest chittered at him in annoyance as Poob wrapped their arms around the beetle in a hug as if he was a teddy bear, Earning an slightly pissed off glance from Pest before his gaze went back to normal.

Poob shut their eyes as their breathing slowed down, Listening to the sound of Pest's heartbeat as he kept their arms wrapped around him. Smiling softly at the fact everyone was getting along..

This sleepover was a huge success.


1177 words!! :D

If u culdnt tell,,, I ship fleshcousin x pilby... Pls dawnt bash me 4 dis!!! It's a rarepair 4 a reason!! ╥﹏╥

Also I did like.. Half of dis at 2 am on phone so sry 4 any mis-spellings!!

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