Chapter 1:Da'Lon

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Dalon's laughter echoed through the room, punctuated by the taunting chant of "Shayooo" from the other boys. Despite his reputation as the popular kid, Dalon harbored secrets beneath his confident facade. They say, "the boldest is always the weakest."As Bryan called out David for staring at a girl, David quickly shut him down, but I sensed a tinge of jealousy within myself. What was this feeling? To conceal it, I forced a laugh, masking my emotions behind a facade of amusement.I chuckled, teasingly echoing David's response, "Sure, sure, we believe you." David, visibly annoyed, reiterated his denial, "I wasn't, ignore Bryan."Despite their denials, both David and I knew well enough that there was no girl involved in the scenario.David and Dalon's relationship was complex; some labeled them as friends, others as teammates, and perhaps even enemies at times. Yet beneath the surface of their teasing and banter, they shared a bond unlike any other, a love that transcended the boundaries of their outward interactions.

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