1. Premature Auction and a Sting

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December 5th, 2021
11:19 PM

   Stiles was trying to act like he was still asleep when he heard the door to his cage open. He whimpered and grabbed at the cage bars as he felt himself being picked up. The cage he had been in for 11 months was for a smaller domestic dog. He could barely fit in it while in his human form, but he could barely be comfortable in his cat form.

   "Don't shift. Some men want to see you in both forms," Nurse Brunski said, and Stiles tried not to whine. 

   He knew he would have been hit, shocked, or slapped, so it was better to go along with it. He was glad he couldn't talk in his cat form because words and snark flowed out of him before he could even think about what he was saying.

   "If we are lucky, you will be bought tonight, and we will be rid of your dumb little ass," Brunski muttered, and Stiles widened his eyes.

   This couldn't be happening. With just two more weeks before auction day, how could he be sold tonight? He had heard that some facilities hold auctions for their more prestigious guests, but buying and selling omegas before auction day was illegal.

   He had to not behave to where no one would want him. His friends and brothers were going to do all they could to buy him on auction day... this was so premature. He knew this probably wouldn't work, and it would probably just drive the buyer to send him to obedience training, but he had to try.

   Stiles' father was respected in breeding, and people sought him. He was a hybrid Russian Blue, and Maine Coon shifter and both of those breeds on their own were highly prestigious. 

   Omega Domestic Cat Shifters are very rare and expensive because they are bred to be domestic. Wolf and Tiger shifters, for example, are way harder to tame, and even if they become domestic, there is still a chance nature will hit them, and they can turn on you.

   Stiles was a beautiful specimen that an alpha doesn't stumble on every year, maybe once in a lifetime. While shifting, he has the beauty of his Mother, Russian Blue Shifter, and the size of the Maine Coon Shifter's father. He has long Russian blue fur, big lavender eyes, and a poofy fluffy tail.

   His human form is elegant, and his porcelain skin is beautiful. He had beauty marks and freckles all over his body, but concentrated on his cheeks and nose. His hair was like his shifted fur, an eccentric Russian blue. The most intriguing feature of his is that he had lavender eyes... and that he was intersex.

   His ass and pussy were tight, he had c-cup breasts, he had an hourglass figure, and his fertility was off the charts amazing. Every check on what an Alpha was looking for in an omega Stiles had. 

   Stiles tucked his tail between his legs as he sat on a stage. There were a couple dozen alphas. He first frantically searched for anyone he knew. It was wild for him to be relieved to see the Hales. Scott must be here somewhere, he probably couldn't afford the fee or have been invited to this.

   He hasn't seen anyone he knows in 11 months, his birthday is in January, and he was taken into the nearest Omega Facility the second he turned 18. This place was a hell hole, he could have endured this a bit longer, but he was praying that one of the Hales would get him.

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