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|Episode 5|

"So... what's the catch in making us heirs to your throne?"

Li'ai'ka asked.


You replied.

Li'ai'ka raises a hand to the hip, and says to you...

"You expect me to believe... that you-a Grand Sfy'rum, is willing to give 2 rejected guards, a cook, and a Librarian... raised seats-heirs to your throne, and expect nothing-in return?"

You fold your arms and say to her...



She replied.

You bend your arms with your palms wide open, saying...

"When I was a prince... in my previous realm, I was worthless. Nothing good came out of my hands, and when I became a king, my hands did something useful... and, it was wasted. Finally, I have been granted a second chance, to correct my ways."

You clench your hands, saying...

"Before I became a prince, I was a soldier of war, diligent to my service. When they say, 'go here', I go here, and when they say, 'go there', I go there. I followed their commands, to increase our chance of success."

You lower your head and look at your fist-while unfolding them, saying...

"But, this time, I shall not-let it waste."

Everyone remain silent to your speech.

I was not surprised by this, of course...
You just offered your allies a mystery of your past.

To them, this is the finest of treasures.

Li'ai'ka draws closer to you, until her eyes meet yours, saying...

"You... had a past...?"

"Why are you surprised? He's a Grand Sfy'rum after all. They are pulled from other dimensions-similar to our own."

On hearing Zeh'ni, she looks back and says...

"That... that's not what I meant..."

She faces you and stares deeply-into your eyes...

"You remind me of someone... someone I... treasured, a lot. He... he died very young... but... if he was alive this day, he would be your age... well... our age."

"Sorry for your loss. Nonetheless... I doubt... he was anything like me."

You replied.

She looks at you sternly and eventually folds her arms saying...

"Why's that?"

You look at your palm, and ponder for a moment...


You uttered...

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