Chapter 26

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You have just finished watching the 69th episode of Spongebob. Well 69th was just a sarcasm. But you were feeling bored as hell with nothing to do at all, even reading text books which was once your best time pass have now become uninteresting. Change of hormones one might say or the colours of youth have just kissed you. And the credit goes to Taehyung of course.

Moreover things have changed recently, after Taehyung got your apartment key's duplicate bunch he would come in and go out at any time suitable to him without knocking or giving any indications.

One day he caught you dancing randomly on Big Bang's Bang Bang Bang and laughed his ass out. So yeah all privacy lost and even your neighbors are also out of station so there's no way you can go and talk to someone.

You lazily layed down the sofa with the remote loosely grabbed on your hand when the bell ding dong -ed and you literally jumped with a jerk and sat up instantly.

It can't be your neighbours and it can never be Taehyung because he has nearly forgotten about the bell. Your brows arched out of curiosity as small feeling of nervousness twirled in your heart.

Who would ring the doorbell now?

You thought and fixed your semi wrinkled top and you walked towards the door. You peeped through the small fisheye lens and all you could see was a bunch of red roses blocking the entire view.

It has to be Taehyung, he is again upto some mischief....

You felt a bit annoyed as you bit your lips thinking what kind of enchantment the boy gets by fooling around you.

Your hands twisted the door knob and the door opened in front of you to see a tall figure who covered his face in the bouquet of roses held by long veiny hands. The boy slowly uncovered his face followed by a deep seductive "Surprise". The voice the face was so known to you that a slight curve appeared on your lips. But it was not Taehyung who made your heart skip a beat, it was


Jungkook's strong black orbs pierced your weak ones as he displayed his innocent bunny smile. Sensual eyes with a cute smile, what an amazing combination of sexy yet adorable which made him look as charming as usual. He was wearing a black silk shirt with little floral print and a pair of black chinos.

"Did you miss me?" his husky voice muffled through the empty floor as there was silence throughtout except the the music of Spongebob coming from the television.

You didn't find something appropriate for a reply to his questions. "I -I...... Your sister and her family are out of town-"

"Oh come on" Jungkook cut you off as he formed a dissapointed pout on his lips. "This is our second meet and all you are concerned about is my sister? You didn't even ask me to come inside"

You internally face palmed yourself and clapped at your illmannered self.

"Oh, I am so sorry" you apologised and let the boy come in who was chuckling at your adorable nervous face.

"You really look cute when you are nervous" you heard him say while you were closing the door. Turning around, you smiled awkwardly at the boy not knowing how to take his compliment. "Aww....... you shy little girl" he pinched your cheeks with his long fingers which felt cold to your already hot cheeks that were turning into a tint of crimson after his sudden touch. "Aish! You are all red and hot" the boy wrinkled his nose as a satisfied smile beamed on his face.

By looking at his face one could never make out that he hid a monster behind his radiant smile.

"Roses for you my pretty lady" he reached the bouquet towards you as you took it from your hand.

Meanwhile the boy the sly enough to brush his fingers on your hand in that give and take process.

He dropped himself on the sofa and looked at you with head tilted while you stood like a statue with flowers in your hands, your mind jumbled up with all his flirty tricks.

You looked at Jungkook in the eyes who gazed at you and maybe waited for you to say something.

"Did you -" your lips barely parted to say something that you suddenly stopped to correct yourself. "I was wondering if you know that your sis-"

"I know" the boy replied, the adorable friendly tone now replacing with a deep seductive one as his expressions changed in a blink of an eyes. The eyes which were once radiant had turned vicious like some hungry wild animal. You gulped at the sudden noticeable change in the boy.

"I know that my sister's out of the town" he continues. "I have not come come to meet her, I have come here to meet you" he said with orbs piercing your own. His one stare is enough to hypnotize someone and make a person follow his command. You were no exception, his stares made you feel weak and vulnerable from inside as the leftover confident from you drained simultaneously.

"Y-yes you can come" you brushed a strand of your hair and tucked it in behind your ear while looking at the floor trying not to make an eye contact with the boy.

"Come here" you heard him say and you looked up instantly to see the boy gesturing you to sit beside him on the sofa. You couldn't deny infact no one in your shoes at that time could.

How could anyone refuse that human sin sitting on the sofa?

You walked towards him as if someone has cast a spell on you. And sat beside the boy who was intensely looking at you.

You turned your head to look at Jungkook who came more closer eliminating all the free air between the two of you. He grabbed the remote and turned off the television making the room all silent.

"Y/N" he whispered in your ear making an electric current pass down your spine. The colour of your face nearly drained and was replaced by a tint of cherry that brightly mingled on your cheeks and your pupils became boarder as you looked at the boy who had his face near your neck. "Tell me something Y/N, do you feel uncomfortable around me?"

A voice so sinful you have never heard before, it made your heart jump in your ribcage. Your mind went blank at that period but you still managed to not your head sidewise in disagree.

A small smirk appeared on the boy's face at your answer as he whispered "Good" in your ears.

He wrapped his arm around your shoulder and pulled you closer to rest his face on your neck. You felt like disappearing out of the feeling that rapidly evolved in your heart making you all hot and red. Jungkook got your feeling as he smirked without you noticing it.

"I am sorry if you feel uncomfortable" he said and all you could do is listen to him. "I feel weird Y/N, I wanted to see you so bad" he concludes and pressed a small peck on your neck.

Had it been Taehyung you would have reacted like a mad woman but with Jungkook you had no chance. You just can't put your rage on him, maybe a soft corner had managed to form in your heart for him. You were not used to such high level flirting but you endured him anyway.

You felt your heart skipping beats as his soft hair tickled your neck. He pulled you closer and closer each time you made any movement and he mumbled a sensuous "Sorry" in your ears.

Doing the sin and apologizing for it, what's he upto?

You couldn't think of anything else at that time, though you felt extremely nervous but still you wanted that moment to continue forever. You couldn't understand what made you so soft for the boy but you liked the feeling you get when you are around him.

He placed his right hand on your own and played with it, and with his left hand he drew patterns on your bare fore arm.

For how long he flirted with you like this you couldn't make out. His hot breath caressing your neck made you forget about everything.


A familiar voice screamed and Jungkook quickly pulled himself away. With great amusement and horror he looked at the tall figure who interrupted his flirt session.


Tutor | Kim Taehyung Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora