Chapter 27

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Jungkook gasped as he couldn't believe his eyes spotting the angry Taehyung in front of him. The boy was so outraged that his breathing came out like panting and he clutched the bag of groceries so firmly that his knuckles turned white.

"WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU DOING WITH HER!?" he yelled you never saw someone getting so angry and neither had Jungkook.

Jungkook sat on like a rock, immovable, he was caught off guard and has no suitable answer to serve the angry boy.

"Taehyung it is not like what you are thinking" Jungkook tries to make up something in turn making Taehyung's rage cross his limits.

He dropped the bags on the floor and pulled Jungkook up by his collar. "You think I can't see anything! You think I am BLIND!".

Jungkook kept his calm throughout because if he reacts then a serious physical fight would take place between the two of them which he was trying his best to avoid.

Meanwhile you were standing aside with fear as you saw Taehyung nearly about hit Jungkook with his fist.

"Taehyung please...." you cried and begged Taehyung to calm down but he glared at you.

"Shut up you BITCH!" he screamed and your heart dropped at his remark.

"Taehyung, it not her fault" Jungkook tries to clarify.

"SHUT UP!" Taehyung was not ready to listen anything, his mind blocked after seeing that thing and he got mixed feelings of fear, protectiveness and heart break which finally lead to anger.

He pulled Jungkook out of the house and dragged him through the stairs.

You ran upto the corridor just to see the two boys disappear through the stairs.

You didn't dare move from your place as the salty liquid accumulated in your eyes. Taehyung called you a Bitch.

Never in darkest nightmares you imagined Taehyung calling you that.

You pressed your bottom lip as the water came rolling down your eyes.


"Leave me Taehyung !" Jungkook roared after losing his patience and Taehyung made him turn and face him. He finally left Jungkook's collar but eyes were still glaring with anger.

Jungkook was mad too but he just had a better self control than the older one. He fixed his shirt and stood with arms crossed while the younger one clenched his fist ready to punch the other one any time.

"What's your problem Jeon Jungkook ?!" Taehyung raised his voice as his pants became heavier with chest going up and down.

"My problem?" Jungkook scoffed making the situation worse or maybe he was just playing around with words which he was a master at.

"Don't you fucking PRETEND!" Taehyung just couldn't keep his calm after what he had seen upstairs. It was like his most frightening nightmare coming true.

"Well, you are just being mad at nothing Taehyung" Jungkook casually spoke as if nothing happened.

"I am being mad at nothing? I saw it with my eyes!" Taehyung's voice cracked.

"Yes you are" the younger one played with words while a sly smirk appear on his flawless face. "See, I had no idea that this Y/N is your Y/N and plus I was just flirting with her it's not like that I stole her V card or something".

Taehyung's blood boiled and he couldn't restrict himself from attacking the younger . "How dare you say that in front of me!". His mind went blank as he firmly gripped on Jungkook's shirt shaking him vigourously.

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