Chapter 4 - Goodbye sister..

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Wendy PoV


Another day on Neverland. If I'm being honest I miss John and Michael, not too sure about Evelyn as she's become the mother for the children here.

And Pan fancies her.

Anyway.. I'm contemplating asking Pan if me and Evelyn can go home.. to Baelfire, John and Michael.

But, I don't know if Pan will agree, going that he likes Evelyn and all that. I see it in his eyes you see. They shine in that way when he looks at her. It's true love if you ask me.

Well, here it goes, asking Pan for this unthinkable favour.


"Hm?" He answers not even looking up from his hands.

"Is there a way.. you could send me and Evie home?" That is when he looks at me. The look in his eyes was something I had only seen once, when a boy almost killed Evie with an arrow. 

Oh god.. is this how I die? I'm too young for this, good god.

"Why would you want that?"

"I miss Bae, and John and Michael.."

"Are you sure you want to go home?" 

"Yes. But I'm not too sure about Evie.. you'll have to talk to her about that.."

"I'll do that."

So he walks away, and I sit down, awaiting and answer. 


Peter Pan PoV


And there it is, the question I was dreading. I think my obsession with Evelyn Maria Angelo Darling is very obvious. 

She's just so.. perfect..

But now her sister wants to go home, Wendy Moria Angela Darling, I'll have to think of something.

Wait she mentioned, Bae.. as in Baelfire? My brother's son, this will be interesting.

I go to Evelyn, whom I've began to call 'Love' or 'My Darling' and I ask her to sit.

As soon as I mention her brothers and Baelfire she decides she wants to go home too..

I can't let her, she's mine. And mine alone.

I decide I'll let them both go but I'll bring her back the following night.. with Baelfire.

This is perfect, her cage will be ready by the evening when she returns.

"Alright, you can leave." I tell the girls who jump up and down in joy. Her eyes glisten with an oh, so adorable shimmer.

I never want to let this girl go.


Time Skip

Evelyn PoV


I completely forgot about Bae, and my brothers! I'm such a bad sister.

But, we are going home so it's all good!

Now we are waiting for the shadow and we've said by to the boys.

I place a kiss on Pan's cheek, and I swear I saw him turn into a tomato.

He and Bae are so similar, it's not even funny.

I wonder why though.. eh I have better thing to worry about.

The shadow arrives and we both take it's hand, not knowing what was waiting for us the next night.

"Bye Evelyn!"

"Bye Wendy!"

"Have a good life, Wendy!"

"See you soon, My Darling.."

The last one drowned out but I just heard it. So not only does Pan love nonsense, he speaks nonsense too. How wonderful.

In a matter of seconds we are back in our room, on our mattresses, with Bae sitting in a corner looing shocked. We both rush over to him an hug him, John and Michael enter the room, and engulf us in a hug as well.

"How long we're we gone?"

"Just... the night.."

"It felt like so much longer for us." Wendy says.

We all laugh, and spend the rest of the day talking about Neverland, the Lost Boys, and their Oh-So-Hot Leader, Peter Pan..

Anyway! We went to sleep that night, and we slept peacefully, and spent the whole next day together.

That night when we were going to sleep, the wind starts picking up..? 

The window only picks up if.. The shadow is here..

That's what he meant.

The next thing I know I'm in the air, looking down at Wendy's sad face staring at me.

"Evelyn! Baelfire!"

"Wendy! John! Michael!"

I look at Bea, he looks so sad, so unhappy. He grabs my hand and squeezes it. It gave me a sense of comfort. One of the best, the one only three people can give me. I'll let you guess who those three are. 

The next ting I know I'm back on the beach in Neverland. But this time, with Bae and not Wendy. I miss my family already. I won't forget they exist this time! I promise. 

Everything moved so fast, one second Bae was staring at me, the next he was passed out. I look around, its like everyone was moving in fast-motion and I was stuck in slow motion. It was the weirdest feeling. 

But at the same time, it was kind off fun, till me and Bae landed in the ocean. Soon, right when i thought I was going to die, i was caught in a fish net, and hoisted up on a ship of sorts, 

I see Bae waking up. Then hear a voice. "Aye aye lads, mornin'!"


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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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