page three

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Forgive me
If I stumble and fall
For I know not how
To love too well
I am clumsy
And my words
Do not form as I wish
So let me kiss you instead
And let my lips
Paint for you
All the pictures
That my clumsy heart

Fuck...that...was... unusual for me...fuck I want to kiss Johnny but he has a girl.

09:08 am

Fuckin hell...what a way to break my heart. I had seen soap and his girlfriend kissing...well... making out...

I can't do heart feels like it's being ripped from my chest and being ripped apart right in front of my eyes...

That girl...that stupid girl...I hate her...I hate her...I HATE HER!

She makes me feel so frustrated. I started to hum to myself.

13:45 pm

I have just got back from a mission. I thought I'd write something.

We were tasked to infiltrate a shadow company facility. I was partnered up with Soap and we had been joking around. We had been talking about alcohol. And I said something about likin bourbon.

"Like a good ol'' boy" he had said to me. It had been enough to make my heart flutter.

I sat in the church waiting for him to show up. We joked around. Fuck this guy is a tease.

18:56 pm

I was laid in my room Minding my own business when soaps girlfriend bardged into my room. I glared at her and told her she should have knocked. She then proceeded to destroy my stuff. I grabbed her by her wrist and threw her out my room. She screamed at me to stay away from soap to which I responded by telling her to go fuck herself. She left eventually.

19:08 pm

Soap stopped me in my way asking me why I hit his girlfriend. I calmly explained I hadn't hurt her in any way apart from throw her out my room. He glared at me so I dragged him to my room where he saw my room a mess from what his girlfriend had done. I explained and pointed to the watch soap had bought me which was now on the table broken from his girlfriend.

He processed to glare at me and I could feel my heart pounding in my chest. He told me to stay away from him and his girlfriend. My heart broke into a hundred tiny pieces.

I lost the one person I truly loved.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24 ⏰

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