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Harry Potter, aged eleven, was walking into Gringotts with a giant of a man called Rebeus Hagrid.

Harry Potter is a boy with Black Hair, Green Eyes, and a lightning bolt scar on his forehead.

Harry's clothes are too big for him, and Harry is short for his age. But Harry is not an ordinary boy. No, Harry Potter is a wizard.

Like His Parents, Lily and James Potter. Harry found out the truth last night.

His parents were not the victims of an accident like his aunt and uncle claimed.

They instead met their end at the hands of a maniac, A terrorist and pretentious fool going by the name of Lord Voldemort.

Harry and Hagrid walk up to a goblin teller, and Hagrid says with an accent."Harry Potter is here to make a withdrawal."

The goblin asks."And does Mr. Harry Potter have his key?" Hagrid checks his pockets and says."Here is the little devil."

And Hagrid presents a key to the goblin. Harry thinks to himself. (Why does this person have my vault key?).

Hagrid also says."And Im here for you know what. In vault, you know which." And Hagrid gives the goblin a letter.

The goblin says."very well." Afterward, Harry and Hagrid travel to Harry's vault of 687.

The goblin opened the vault, and Inside and Inside were mounds of gold coins. Columns of silver. Heaps of little bronze Knuts and a small chest. Harry takes the chest.

And some money heads back upstairs. Harry says to the goblin that they can close the vault.

Hagrid takes a small package out of another vault namely vault 713. And Hagrid tells Harry that they can get his school supplies now.

As Harry and Hagrid are about to walk outside, a goblin asks Harry to follow him. Hagrid says."We dont have time for this. Harry needs to buy his school supplies."

The goblin replies hissingly."I dont see how this is your business. Our business concerns Mr Potter only."

Harry replies to keep the peace."I can buy the supplies on my own afterward. Thank you for showing me where to get the supplies, Hagrid."

Hagrid relents and says."Okay, Harry. Now, here is some muggle money for you. To travel back to Surrey, And oh, before I forget. Here is your train ticket."

Harry puts out his hand towards Hagrid and says."Thank you for telling me the truth about my parents."

Hagrid smiles and replies."You are welcome, Harry. Now, I must be on my way. Dumbledore will want to see it. I mean, will want to see me."

Hagrid walks away, And Harry follows the goblin into an office. In the office sits a regal type of goblin.

The Goblin King says."Welcome, Mr. Potter. You are most likely wondering what is in that box. But before we get started on that. We need to verify your identity."

Harry nods, and The goblin king gently takes a drop of blood and drops it into a parchment.

Words start to appear on the parchment.

Identity of Client.

Harry James Potter. age Eleven.


Lily Evans Potter. (Deceased)

James Potter. (Deceased)


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