Harry's day in London.

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The Leaky Cauldron, London, Juli 31, 1991

After Harry's outburst, everyone is looking at him. And Tom, the bartender, asks Harry."Are you alright, Lad?"

Harry quickly thinks and answers, not convinced of his reply."Oh, umm, yes. I can't believe he managed to escape."

Tom kindly tries to comfort Harry replies by saying."Dont Worry, Lad. They will Bring him back to Azkaban before you know it."

Harry answered."Good night, Sir." Tom returns the sentiment."Good night, Lad."

The next day.

Harry walks into Gringotts. And he is taken to King Ranrok's office. King Ranrok welcomes Harry into his office, and with Ranrok is his young son.

"Good Morning, Mr Potter. Have you given any thought to our conversation yesterday?" Ranrok asked formally and kindly.

"Yes, I have your majesty," Harry replied to Ranrok."I want to travel there as soon as possible. To see what the possibilities are." Harry continued explaining.

Ranrok smiles and asks."And I trust that what was agreed upon by your grandfather is still in effect?"

Harry replies. "Yes, it is. Gringotts is allowed to create a branch in the new country. I do, however, have a question."

Ragnok is intrigued and nods at Harry to continue."Would your people be Happy with a continuation of the status quo? Dont you want something more out of a new place?" Harry asked.

Ranrok laughs and says."Well, it's clear that you are more like your grandfather than your father." Harry, confused, asks what Ragnok means, and Ranrok replies.

"Your father fought against the death eaters, yes. But he fought to maintain the wizarding world as it is rather than to fight for a better future."

Harry asks."Why did you and my grandfather not start building this when he was alive?"

Ranrok replies sadly."When we finished outlining our plans, your grandfather sadly passed away.

And your father did not die long after that. And you were nowhere to be found. So we had to wait until you would return to the wizarding world.

And we are glad to have met you before Dumbledore could get his claws into you."

Harry asked."Who is Albus Dumbledore? The name keeps appearing all over the place."

Ranrok rubs his chin and explains."He is the headmaster of Hogwarts. He is also the chief warlock of the wizengamot. And the Supreme Mugwump of the international confederation of wizards."

Harry asks in confusion."How can a high school teacher decide where to place an orphan?"

Ragnok replies."He can't, legally speaking. Dumbledore was the head of an organization called the Order of the Phoenix.

Rumors were that his will was to be absolute. And I believe that that mindset is what enabled him to do as he wanted that night of your parent's death."

Harry thinks about it and says."And because of the high level of corruption, nobody questioned it? That settles it if magical Brittain won't let us live in dignity.

Then, I see no reason to be loyal to it or remain within it. But if our opponent is as powerful as you say. It would be best to do so quietly."

Ranrok smirks and adds."And to not reveal our hand until it's too late for them to stop it."

Harry says."It's a shame my grandfather sold his factory. It would have been a good start for both Jobs and Income for the island.

Not to mention, we could have used branches in magical communities. To recruit people from all over the world."

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