🦌 Charlies annocement 🦆

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  Lucifer wakes up, shooken up from his dream. He scans the room filled to the brim with his rubber ducks. He squints his eyes to a corner of the room, only to see darkness.
He looks away and sits up straight on the edge of the bed. He rubs his eyes and grabs his nightstand. He stands up slowly and stretches his arms out.
  He turns on his night lamp and looks over to see his door open a crack. He tilts his head to the side in confusion. He never leaves his door open...IT'S ALWAYS LOCKED..

Earlier that day
Main lobby

Lucifer noticed a pair of eyes staring at him while he sat down on the couch. He turns his head only to see alastor red pair of eyes staring at him. Luci quickly looks away and tries not to seem bothered by it. Charlie walks into the main lobby and waves to Al. Al looks at Charlie and waves back while wearing his iconic smile.
Lucifer looks back to the book in his hand and sets it aside. He tilts back and sighs. He closes his eye and just relaxes his shoulders.
  He opens his eyes to see Al head above his, staring at him. Luci jumps back and stands up. "What the hell?!" Lucifer says, sitting back down. "Charlie said that she needs to speak with you." Alastor says, stepping back.
  "Then why didn't she tell me?" Lucifer askes. "How am I supposed to know?" Alastor says, he turns around and walks away.

Charlie's room
Lucifer opens Charlie's door slowly. "Hey dear.. You wanted to talk to me, correct?" Lucifer says. Vaggie stands up from the bed and walks out the room to give them some privacy. Charlie looks up from her desk
"Dad, I have great news!" she says, smiling ear to ear. Lucifer couldn't help but smile back. "And what is it?" he asks.
"Mom just called back and she said she is coming down to the hotel!" charlies says, throwing her hands up in excitement.
Lucifer's smile quickly fades. lilith was coming to the hotel..? He quickly puts on a smile. "That's amazing dear." he says, trying to hide his true emotions. Charlie always thought that maybe if Lilith saw how everything worked around the hotel, she would be proud. Luci looks away trying not to meet his daughter's eyes.

  "When is she coming?" he asks out of curiosity. "Sometime this week." Charlie says. "Well I have to go talk with the others and let them know the great news!" she says, skipping into the hallway.

Great. Luci looked at his daughter's phone that was left behind. He stared at it for a minute and walked out into the hallway that would be filled with laughter..

  Alastor knew Lilith was going to be at the hotel before that call. He just knew. He obviously didn't want her here for his own reasons but hoped that he could just hide from the hotel while she visited. But now that she was going to be in this very lobby a couple of days from now.. Made him realize that it would be impossible to hide. Charlie would want him to help. she would want to introduce him.

  Lucifer opened his door to his room and stepped in. He switched the light on and walked over to his bed. He collapses onto his bed and stuffs his face into the pillow. He holds back his tears, trying to not let the bad thoughts in.
  He sits up trying to ignore the burning pain in his eyes. He was going to cry. He knew it.

   Alastor steps out of the elevator into the dimly-lit hallways. He tilts his head toward Lucifer's side and hears muffled sobbing. He stands there for a minute, not knowing what to do. He slowly walks over to the locked door of Luci's room. He peeps through a small crack only to see Lucifer stuffing his face into a pillow.

🌜 Midnight 🌛
   Alastor sits in his tower, unable to stop thinking of how Lucifer is doing. He sighs. Is he ok.. He thought to himself. "Screw it.." Al says to himself. He gets up and leaves his tower.
  Alastor walks up to Lucifer's door. He snaps his finger, ordering his shadow to slip in and unlock the door from the inside.

  He opens the door a crack and peeks his head in. He catches a glimpse of someone snuggled under a blanket. He opens the door wider and steps in. He quietly walks over to Luci's bed only to see him fast asleep. He sighs and begins walking toward the door but stops to the sound of something.

  Is he crying in his sleep..? Al turns around to see Luci hugging some duck plush tight to his chest, tears running down his cheeks.

Al rolls his eyes and walks over back to Luci. He wipes the tears from Luci's face. Al couldn't help but notice something glowing on Luci's nightstand. A ring?

  Al looks away from the ring back at Luci. Is this about her.. He thought to himself. He shook his head. He didn't care about some failed love. He couldn't care about anyone.

   Al walks toward the door and closes it. Or at least he thought he did.

(present time)
Luci stares at the door,confused as to who had come into his room,and how they did. He shakes his head.
  Maybe I just left it unlocked by accident.. He thought to himself. He stands up and walks over and closes the door. He changes out of his suit (he had fallen asleep in) and changes into his Pajamas. He falls back onto his bed and just stares at his ceiling.

  I should put some glow-in-the-dark ducks on this ceiling to make this space more ME. he thought to himself. He sits up again and looks around to see all the rubber ducks. My room is sure is messy.. He snaps his fingers and the room is all tidy-up, ducks on shelves and his desk area is no longer messy. He lays back down and falls deep into thought.

He can't help it. He just keeps thinking of what would happen if Lilith was really going to come. But why now? Why not before? But at least it was for charlie.. Right?

  He gets lost in thought that he doesn't realize that it's morning. "hey..uh dad.. Are you up?" He snaps back to reality. "Yeah dear!" he responds. "Could you unlock the door? I need to talk with you.." charlies says.
Luci gets up and unlocks the door. "Yes?" he asks, patting a spot next to him on the bed as he sits down.

   Charlie smiles softly and sits down beside him. "Why'd you leave yesterday?" she asks. "I-uh.. had a really bad headache and felt tired so i decided to just sleep early!" He lies. Charlie nods as if she understands.
"Well now that you're feeling better, you could come have a chat with everyone else on how this hotel will be prepared for mom!" Charlie says, eyes glowing with happiness.

  Luci forces a smile on "yeah.. After I finish getting ready! I'll meet up downstairs!" he says. Charlie stands up. "Ok! We'll wait!" Charlie says. She turns toward the door and walks off to join the others down at the main lobby.

Lucifer lets out a sigh and turns to his clothes. He puts on his suit and begins to get ready for the day. He decides to leave his cane behind since he was too lazy to carry it.

  Lucifer enters the main lobby and Charlie waves over to him. "Look at this!" she holds up one end of a banner and vaggie holds up the other end. He squints to read the words: welcome to the hazbin hotel lilith!
  He plasters a fake smile on his face. "Aww that's lovely dear!" he says, forcing himself to sound cheery.
  Alastor appears behind lucifer. Lucifer jumps. "Shit.. you scared me." Alastor looks down at the short king, then looks back up at the sign. He peeked at Lucifer to see if he had slipped his true reaction.

  Lucifer kept his smile on his face. "How about we go make pancakes for breakfast?" Lucifer says, trying to district charlie. "Maybe we could take a break" vaggie said putting down the banner onto the floor of the lobby.

(To be continue..)
*insert dramatic music*

(This is my first story so hope it doesn't flop)

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