🦌Dont cry again🦆

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Lucifer starts walking around the hotel, trying to clear his mind up. He lets his hand trace the wall as he walks alongside it. He lets a defeated sigh before putting his hand back to his side. He looks over to Charlie's room and sees her door is unlocked. He hesitates for a second before opening the door. "Hey charlie-" he stops.

Charlie was nowhere in sight. She's probably downstairs with the others. He turns to walk out but stops. He looks over his shoulder and sees a shadow lurking near Charlie's bed, facing him. He freezes but turns around quickly, shaking his head.

He enters the hallways and walks over to the main lobby. Alastor is sitting there chatting with Charlie about what new activity they should try out. Lucifer looks over to see vaggie and husk hanging the banner right across the top of the door.

He sighed. Might as well do this for charlie.. He walked over. "Need some help?" Luci forced himself to say.
"Oh hey dad!" Charlie said, waving over to him. "You can help Alastor plan this activity while I go grab some decor with vaggie!" Charlie got up and scooted Lucifer near Al. "ok.." Lucifer said, forcing a smile to stay on his face.

Al looks up from the board placed on the ground. "Oh hello you majesty." Al says, making it clear he didn't want Luci near him. "Why hello bambi.." Luci says, sitting down on the floor, scooting the board closer to him.
Al places his hand on the board, making it harder to move. Luci grabbed one end and snatched from under Al's hand. He places it against the wall and examines the activities that both Charlie and Al had come up with.

"That seems good enough for now. And this one seems like it would work." Luci admits, scooting it toward Al.

Al rolls his eyes and X'd out one of the ideas Lucifer liked. "What was that for?!" Luci asked. "I just thought maybe we could do better with that!" Al says, his smug grin remaining. Luci rolls his eyes and grabs a clipboard nearby.

"Is this the activity that you guys decided on for.. You know.. Her visit?" Luci said, not mentioning her name. Al looks up to see Lucifer fidgeting with a nearby pen in one hand, while holding the clipboard tight in the other.

"You'll have to ask Charlie since that's her clipboard." Al said, noticing Lucifer was avoiding eye contact. Lucifer looks up after a minute of silence.

Lucifer takes off his coat and throws it onto the couch. He grabs a book Charlie keeps her ideas in, flipping through pages. A smile forms on his face, looking at his daughter's work. Al looks up from the board that he was working on and notices Lucifer's change in mood.

He couldn't help but feel relaxed that Luci was smiling for real now. He didn't know why he felt relaxed. He didn't really want to..

"Could you pass me the book after you're done looking at it? I need it." Al said, forcing his thoughts down.
"Sure." Luci says, continuing to flip through the pages. He stumbles across a page that makes the smile drop from his face.

The name Lilith is highlighted on the top of the page. He read the list of things Charlie wanted to tell her mom. Things Charlie wouldn't tell him. He closes the book and slides it over to alastor. "You can see it now." Luci says, fake smile back onto his face.

He grabs his coat and throws it over his shoulder before getting up to go to the kitchen. Al looks up to the book next to him and Lucifer is gone. He shrugs and grabs the book. He flips to the activities that Charlie thought they could do.


Charlie opens the door to the hotel. She waves to angel and husk who were sitting at the bar. She grabs a bag from vaggie who was right behind her and places it onto a table. Vaggie places her bag next to charlie.
Charlie looks around but doesn't see lucifer. "Hey al.. have you seen my dad?" Charlie asked. "Yes dear, he's in the kitchen I believe." Alastor stands up from his spot, turning off the radio right next to him. He picks up the board and shows it to charlie.

"I think this could be our activity agenda list for the week. And we could try to make a board every week to keep the hotel more organized." Al says, putting the board up against a wall. Charlie examines the board with vaggie right beside her. "I think that idea might work! Then everything feels more..Organized! Just like you said!" Charlie says. Vaggie nods.

"Seems like your actually doing something good for this hotel besides fixing the walls and stuff." vaggie says with a approving smile.

Lucifer walks in with a plate of pancakes. It might not be breakfast but he didnt care.He looks over to see charlie and alastor chatting while vaggie looked at the new decor that was just bought. He looks down at the floor and notices Charlie's book. He looks back up to charlie. Does she not see me as her dad..? He thought.

He went to the new dining area of the hotel and sat down to finish his plate of food. "Oh hey dad! Did you see what Alastor made for the hotel?" Charlie said, smiling up at Al. Al looks more like her dad than I do.. He thought. He couldn't think that. He shouldn't. "Yeah I saw." Luci replied. Looking down at his plate.

He didn't want to cry again.. Not for the second time today..

(short part)
(Next part will include Lilith part and might have some parts that aren't canon *spoiler: like Lucifer knowing where she was the whole time*)

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