🦌why come now? (Part 1)🦆

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Luci quickly ducked behind the couch, panicking. Did she see me..isn't she supposed to come next week..his thoughts were all over the place. He took a deep breathe and peeked his head back at the window. Only to see charlie hugging lilith waist tight, as if she didn't want to lose her again.

..did she even miss me..? Luci thought to himself, wondering if Charlie even wanted him here. No no..I can't think like this..he shook his head and pulled his knees to his chest, taking deep breaths. He slowly stood up, ducking his head a bit to avoid the window.
  He quickly walked toward the kitchen, only to bump into angel. “Ay short king! Why in such a hurry.” Angel said, grabbing luci by the arm before he could fall. “I uh- need the bathroom!” Lucifer lied. Angel looked down at the short king, making luci feel small. “The bathrooms that way” angel said, pointing to the other side of hotel.

Lucifer turned his head, only to see alastor standing in front of the bathroom, talking to nifty as she wiped the door. Oh great. He thought. “Thanks for the heads up.. um angel. Don't really know my way around here.” He said, turning back to angel. Angel smiled and put his lower arms on his hips. “I mean Charlie did make this place WAY bigger then anyone thought it would be-” Angel said, rolling his eyes jokingly.

Lucifer smiled, he looked over to the bar area only to see husk looking at angel dust with admiration in his eyes. The same way lucifer looked at lilith.. lucifer shook his head and turned his attention back at the bathroom.
  Gotta walk past that deer..he thought. “oh and thanks again uh angel..” lucifer turned and walked over to alastor and nifty. He sighed and decided to just ignore al and ask nifty if the bathroom was clean. “hello um nifty! Is the bathroom available?” he asked, pretending not to see Al's glaring down at him.

  “Mm hm. You can right inside!” Nifty said, looking at luci with her usually be my bad boy stare. Lucifer smiled weakly at her and walked inside. He locked the door and slid down against it. He took both of his hands and pressed the palm against his eyes, doing a circle motion. He sighed again (He sighs a lot!) And looked up at the mirror that he could barely see.
  He stood up and walked over to the counter. He looked down and noticed a stepping stool titled lucifer. He glared at it. Alastor and his dumb jokes. He looked away from it and at the mirror. Is lilith even going to remember who she feel in love with..what if she didn't love me..luci thought to himself. He could feel his eyes burn as his tears started to well up in his eyes. He blinked and pressed his palms onto his eyes.

  “You know if you keep doing that, you'll ho blind~” said a radio static like voice. Lucifer jumped and help the counter as support. “Why the fuck are you in the bathroom when I'm using it!” Luci screamed at al, not loud enough for the others to hear outside. Alastor hummed in his static like voice. “Its obvious your not using the bathroom, running off to cry here again?” al said in a mocking tone, making Lucifer's blood boil.

  Lucifer clenched his fist, putting them down by his side. Alastor noticed and his grin grew wider. “Seems like someone's getting angry~” alastor said in his smug voice. Lucifer wiped his eyes, trying to make his tears go away. Alastor hummed again and waited for luci's responds.
  Lucifer stared down at the floor, unable to respond.

Alastor cooked his head to the side. “Hm seems like the great king himself is to scared to see his wife..who doesnt want to see him.” Alastor said.
  Lucifer jumped onto al, pulling his hair and forcing him down on the ground. Alastor was to shocked to push luci off for a second, but his tentacles grabbed lucifer by the waist and swong him at the door. Lucifer got up and ran toward al, punching him repeatedly in the waist, making the sinner fall to the ground. Luci kept punching moving up to his face.

  Lucifer stopped and looked at al, tears welled up in his eyes. “I'm sorry..I'm sorry..I'm sorry..” he said repeatedly, grabbing Al's clothes..

Part 2 coming soon!
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