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~ Aphrodite Sundara Galanis ~

Now that we were able to narrow down who the mystery girl was things are beginning to be easier. Things are really starting to come together. I still truly don't understand why my parents are making us do this, but I don't ask questions. I do exactly what I'm told.

You'd think because I'm their kid they'd take it easy on me, but they don't. Never have, never will. I may be their kid, but I still have a job to do.

We needed to come up with a plan that we could execute quickly and easily. We're fixing to kidnap someone so we had to make sure we didn't get caught. And we don't know how the club is set up so shits a little complicated. Gabe said he'll find a way to get the blueprints so that we're able to create an escape plan. Rowan, Millie, and I were waiting for he and Arti to come back.

Artemis wanted to join the ride because we wouldn't let him come the last time. I think he just wanted to be with Gabriel because he's practically in love with him.

The three of us were waiting in me and Million's room. Rowan kept yapping about a bunch of nonsense and bullshit while Million and I were cuddled up in bed. I wasn't listening to him and neither was Millie.

"Ok but think about it. Why do they call it 'kidnapping' if adults aren't kids?"

"Five seconds, Cuatro. Can you please shut the fuck up for five fucking seconds," Millie groaned.

"You're just jealous you don't have a brain like mine." Rowan shrugged.

"If I had a brain like yours I'd kill myself." Millie snorted.

"I'm a genius." Rowan pointed.

"You're something... I don't know if  'genius' is the right word." I laughed, kissing Million's head, and getting up from the bed.

My hair had been bothering me so I got up to get a hair tie to put in a bun. Just as I sat back down on the bed the door opened revealing Gabriel and Artemis.

"We got the blueprints." Gabe said.

"And a wonderful little plan that includes me." Arti smiled proudly.

Rowan let out a loud frustrated groan.

Remember when I told you Million and my dad have a love/hate relationship? Artemis and Rowan are the same way...just ten times worse.

"You should be happy you're being blessed with my presence." Arti scoffed.

"Nothing about you is a blessing..." Rowan retorted.

"What's the plan, Gabe?" Millie sighed, "I'm tired of hearing them. Share what you have with the class and get the fuck out of my room."

Guys, she's so hot when she's annoyed.

"Okay so," Gabe began, "This is the layout. They've seen Dite, Rowan, and I, but they haven't seen Millie and Arti. And because of that, they're going to be the ones doing most of the work. The plan we came up with is Arti is going to request a private show from each stripper. During the show he's going to ask a list of questions. He's good with reading faces so if the first one responds with something that isn't the answer we're looking for we move on the next one. Once we are one hundred percent sure that she's the right girl we kidnap her the same way we kidnap the others. There's a window, but it's covered by a curtain. We get the girl out of the window and then Arti will drag her back to the van where Uno, Cuatro, and I are waiting. Millie, you have to be the lookout. Make sure no one sees you two. And if someone does see you, you know what to do. We get everyone back to the house unharmed and then go from there. We keep her in the red room until further instruction. Sound good?"

"Sounds good." I nodded.

The others hummed in agreement.

"When does this plan occur?" Rowan asked, stretching his arms and standing up from the floor.

"Tomorrow. Charlene and Apollo are getting impatient with you guys."

"You guys move to slow." My twin brother chuckled.

"Vaffanculo." Rowan spat.

"Scommetto che fai."

"Alright that's enough. Everyone get the fuck out. Thank you for your help, Gabe." Millie sighed.

The boys left the room continuing their childish bickering.

"You are so fucking sexy when you're annoyed, Amore." I said to her.

"You want to get the fuck out with them?" Millie raised her brow at me.

"Or I could help you relieve that annoyance." I smirked.

She smirked back at me. She walked up to me and smashed her lips on mine. Her lips fit perfectly against mine. I swiped my tongue against her bottom lip, wanting entry. She did so quickly and my tongue immediately began fighting with hers.

"Lock the door." I whispered against her lips.

We walked backwards toward the door, our kiss never breaking. She locked the door and we made our way back to the bed. She tasted fucking delicious. I broke the kiss as I pushed her back onto the bed. I remained standing, watching her lay on the bed looking up at me with her lust filled eyes.

She looked so beautiful.

"il mio bel bambina," I smiled, "Take all of it off. Let me see you, bambina."

She loved when I spoke in my mother tongue during sex. She said it turned her on.

She actually said it made her wet, but I was trying to keep this as pg as I could... I actually don't know which one is worse...

Million did as she was instructed. She started with her shirt. She was moving at a dangerously slow pace and I was getting impatient. She knows how much I love seeing her bare, naked body.

"Million." I warned.

She began moving quicker, but not as fast as I needed her to.

I shot her a look that said "stop playing with me" which made her finally rip off every piece of clothing that covered what I wanted most.

When she was completely naked I climbed onto the bed and hovered over her before trailing a line of butterfly kisses down her body.

She began squirming when I reached her bikini line , letting me know she wanted more.

"Patience, Bambina." I whispered.

Just as I was about to dig into my meal, the meal's phone rang.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me." She groaned.

The call was coming from her mother. They rarely ever speak, but that's changed since her grandfather died. Calls from her parents came more frequently.

"Just answer it and get it over with. I'm hungry."

I knew she didn't want to, but it might be something important so I made her answer it anyway. I've always wanted to eat her out when she was on the phone, but she would always tell me no. She's such a buzzkill.

Looks like I'll have to wait to eat.

1165 words

A/n: Ha! You thought you were getting smut from me but you were robbed per usual. For those who had the chance to read my teacher's daughter you know I wrote smut once and it was terrible. I'm so sorry you had to read that bullshit. Oh and another thing; after writing this chapter and proofreading it I realized Artemis has a love/hate relationship with everyone except for Gabriel and his parents. Nobody likes that mf.

Dio Brutale Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon