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~ Million Faye Harper ~

Sometimes I wonder what I got myself into. Other times I enjoy the adrenaline flowing through me as I mercilessly beat someone to a pulp. It's like therapy for me...just a tad more intense...and dangerous.

Arti and I successfully managed to kidnap the stripper and get the fuck away from the club. We definitely struggled with getting her back to the car because of how heavy her limp body was.

The first thing we did after arriving back home was letting Charlene and Apollo know that we got the girl before taking her back to the red room. Gabriel tied her to one of the metal chairs we had.

We all watched her in silence.

She wasn't kidnapped how we usually do it, meaning we didn't have to knock her out with chemicals. She passed out on her own and because of that, she should be waking up in a couple seconds.

Dite stared at the half naked woman with pride filled eyes.

"Yo, you think staring at her is going to make her wake up earlier or some shit?"

"Shut the fuck up, Cuatro." I hissed.

"It's a genuine question!" He defended, "She's been staring at homegirl for a solid five minutes. I don't think having a staring contest with an unconscious person is going to make her wake up all of a sudden."

He was right. Aphrodite had been staring at the stripper for quite a while, but it wasn't anything serious. Dite has a staring problem. And it affected me none.

I will admit, the stripper was beautiful. No wonder she was so famous inside of the club. I caught myself staring at her and giving her small glances myself a couple times. Couldn't help it.

After a few more minutes she began to stir. This alerted Aphrodite making her lose her little staring contest.

"lasciaci. Millie, you stay."

"But I was having fun!" Rowan whined.

"uscire." Dite repeated.

The three men left the room leaving us three women alone. I knew exactly what Aphrodite was going to do and I was going to enjoy every second of it.

The woman tied to the chair, Karina, finally woke up and I immediately knew she was about to scream so to prevent her from doing so, I quickly grabbed the duct tape from the table and taped a small piece to her mouth.

She did try to scream but failed miserably.

"Alright. I need you to hush for five seconds so we can explain."

Karina did just that.

"In a couple minutes my parents are going to come in here and they're going to be a lot meaner than we're being," Dite explained, taking a few laps around the chair, "You're here because you saw us weeks ago. We don't know you or what you might be capable of so we had to take you. We didn't want to, believe me, but we had to. We're being very nice right now by not doing anything to you, but I can't say the same for my parents."

Karina didn't say anything. She couldn't, obviously. Tears raced down her face smudging the makeup I know she took her time doing.

Even in the state of distress she was in, she still looked beautiful. I was going to have to talk to Dite about that later. For now I watched the interaction happening in front of me.

When Aphrodite finished speaking she grabbed my hand and we left the red room. Apollo and Charlene stood on the other side waiting.

"She's all yours." Dite said.

599 words

A/n: Short chapter to get the ball rolling. Next chapter will be longer, I promise!

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