Part 12:Training as Barrack Obama

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Miley suddenly stands in a salute pose.

"President Obama, would you still like me to refer to you as Maximus?" she asks. I nod numbly. I can't believe this. Am I really famous 44th president of the United States of America? 

"Miley, I don't want you to treat me any differently, I am still an alpha wolf, and you are still my omega." Miley's eyes droop.

"You can't say those things while we're human Maximus. It's the rule of the council."



"The Alpha Pack Society for Wolves, Bugs, and Eagles Council."

 "W-who are they?"

"Maximus, your pack should have taught this to you..." Miley looks at me concerned.

"Well, I guess I have a secret too. Miley, my pack abandoned me, when I was only 9 in wolf years!" I feel my alpha heart softening. Why do I feel so many emotions?

Miley's orbs suddenly sprout with tears. 

"Oh my gawdness, Maximus, I never knew!" Miley runs up and wraps her arms around me. I am a full head taller than her, and I gaze longingly above her hair into the distance as she hugs me. Suddenly, I regain consciousness, and my heart hardens. In mildly excruciating pain, my body transforms back into a wolf form. 

"But, why would the Council want to control what werewolves are doing?"

"Well Maximus, the leader of the Council is known to be a little mean. He's, well, you already know him. And I know him. Personally." She shudders, " He used his special council powers to justify a marriage with me. I-I hate him," she whispered the last part, even though we were all alone. As far as I know. 

"Miley, this is all too much for me. I think I need to take a break," I run away, my 4 legs bulging with muscles and my ears folded back for maximum aerodynamicness.

"Maximus wait!" I hear Miley call for me, but I don't turn back. I force my biology to quieten. I keep running until her voice to fades to nothingness.

to be continued....

The Tail of Maximus the Alpha WolfWhere stories live. Discover now