Part 16: Confronting my Omega

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"Miley, what are you doing here?" I yell at her, my forehead veins throbbing. Tears spring into her orbs.

"I- I felt bad about how we ended things, I wanted to see if you were ok," she mumbles, her face turning into that of a rotund tomato or perhaps beetroot. "Why are you with... my husband?" 

My face clouds over, embarrassment and anger surges through my body.

"You don't need to know," I growl out. Donald Trump walks up behind me, and grasps my hands. 

"It's ok Barrack, she can know." He says, and then aggressively kisses me. 

Miley lets out a heartbroken gasp. 

"Maximus, I love you!" She shouts, but anger flurries through my veins. 

"I don't care if you love me Miley! Donald is there for me in a way you never were! His fingers are slender, and they fit nicely in mine, compared to your pumpkin shaped appendages!" I shriek out, my vocal chords threatening to tear. While shouting with all this immense power, my orbs start to turn red, and my arms and legs start to grow more muscular. 

Miley cowers in fear at my masculine body. In a cloud of haze I transform into wolf form. I feel Donald transform behind me. I glance my head back, head whipping at the speed of a Honda Civic, and I catch sight of his graceful and eloquent wolf face. His nose is long and pointy, great for catching smells in the distance. His orbs are such a deep grey it looks like the poisoned snow of Antarctica. His fur is a warm, welcoming orange. He is goergious. 

I hear a swoosh, and my eyes shift to Miley, she is a wolf too now. We have an epic battle, all three of us, 2 against 1, completely fair. Me and Donald win, because sexism. 

to be continued...

The Tail of Maximus the Alpha WolfWhere stories live. Discover now