Chapter Seven.

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Layle managed to scrub the blood out of her gown, place it in the trunk and make her way back to her attic bedroom before the ball was over. She made up a half formed lie about having to return home to Caspian, before disappearing into the shadows, after promising him she would return tomorrow. Stupid, foolish, idiotic! She thinks to herself as she slips into her nightgown, goosebumps rising on her skin as the cold air chills her. She couldn't risk going downstairs, in case anyone recognised her, in case Caspian recognised her. She wraps herself in her fur blanket and is lost in thought, for a long time. The stirring of her roommates entering, gossiping and giggling about the events of the night do little to provoke her, even when Esmu sits on the edge of her bed. "Crotte de poule" she croons, leering down at Layle. "Where were you? Don't tell me you stayed up here, on the most exciting night of the year?" Layle doesn't respond, and instead stares up at the wood slats that form a ceiling. Esmu scoffs and throws something on Layle's lap before getting up and walking away. Layle finally looks down, and sees that it is a letter, with a familiar scrawl on the envelope. Flyfn.

Miss Layle Farley.

Member of the Court of His Royal Highness King Rrder Osanos I of Locbroalm.

Caterer of Silver Dining Service.

With trembling hands, Layle opens the letter, with little difficulty as her family don't need to send many letters, so owning a wax stamper would be unnecessary. However, when she started reading, she realised that it was Sath who was writing the letter, not Flyfn. A shadow of a smile flits over her face- he probably wasn't allowed to write the envelope because of his terrible handwriting and his dislike towards capital letters. And with such an important name on it, the disrespect of not addressing the King correctly could be taken as a deliberate insult.

eve is not gud. we need the medicin bfor the weak is up.

She is about to rip the letter in half when she realises Sath has written more at the end of the page.

i miss you, layle. hell, we all miss you. dad included.

plese com home soon.

im goeng stir crasy witout sum one to laugh at my jokes.

Layle folds the parchment, running her fingers over the ridges before placing it under her pillow and letting the heavy, familiar feeling of sleep drag her down into darkness.

 She woke before dawn had broken over the green hills and pastures of Locbroalm. She knew she had been given a chance to get the medicine the night before- and had blown it. Now, there was only one place she could visit that could save her sister. Temporary as what she would receive would be, it would be better than nothing. Quietly she dresses into her warmest clothes, conscious of the crisp morning air and ties her hair back into a quick bun before making her way towards the door. One of the floor panels creaks under her left foot and she winces and freezes, but nobody stirs. 

Layle had forgotten how much she loved being outside. The birds were still asleep, the only sound being the leaves crunching under her boots and the sound of her shallow breathing.  As she trekked through the dense pine woods just outside Bârân, her racing mind was still for the first time in weeks, and she could feel herself smiling against her chilled skin. The dirt path she was taking was faint- and for obvious reason. Nobody would willingly go down it, if they knew where it was taking them. Only when they had no other option. and if she wasn't careful, she could accidentally wander down into an animal trap.  She had heard her brothers talking about bears in these parts, and she really did not fancy meeting one. And then Layle stepped into the clearing, and what she saw, even though she had expected it, took her breath away and left her with a resounding feeling of complete and utter dread.

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