Chapter 30

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Okay I am coming with you"

Jungkook smiled wide, the sign of relief was evident on his moonlike face. You on the other hand were satisfied too to see the boy happy but still had a doubt if you did the right thing by giving him a second chance.

"Come with me" Jungkook said and the both of you walked where he has his car parked. In the meantime Jungkook never let go of your hand, he locked your small wrist between his thumb and index finger and with the other three he caressed over your palm with gentle strokes.

All these little things are what you loved about Jungkook which probably  Taehyung could never master. Taehyung was a hopeless romantic who messes things up and sometimes unwantingly hurts the feeling of his love because of his over sincerity and overprotectiveness. That's why he seems harsh when actually he is a real jealous baby. Jungkook was totally different, he knows exactly how to pour in care and affection and be dominant without the other person even realising it. He could easily make anyone feel loved with his sugar coated behavior and could really make hearts flatter.

You blushed hard all the way walking as the sensation of his fingers rubbing against your bare skin made your heart beat fast.

He stood in front of a lavishing black car and you understood that it belonged to him. He was looking like those crazy rich Asians who are born with a golden spoon in their mouth. He opened the door of the car and politely gestured you to sit it. You closed the door back and he took his place beside you on the driver's seat.

You thought that he would instantly start the engine but when he brought his body closer to yours instead, you felt your heart pounding. He came so close that the scent of his cologne was clear to you. For a second you couldn't make out what he was trying to do and your thoughts went gibberish but then you realised that he was actually trying tie you up with the seatbelt for your safety.

"Safety first" he mumbled in low teasing tone definitely trying to flirt with you again.

Jungkook understood how you felt when he came closer so he deliberately took more time to fasten the belt just to see you blush and have internal panic attacks.

This boy really knows how to play with my mind. You thought and nodded like an idiot in front of him.

The car moved, not very fast but at a slow yet swift pace. Jungkook took his time as he wanted to make the path look longer.

"Y/N I am...."

"Shh" you cut him off, "No talking while driving. We can sort the things once we get back to my apartment"

Jungkook chuckled "Okay, fine then"

You smiled wide.


It's alright Mom, I will stay here till you get better" Taehyung smiled at the middle aged woman lying in front of him in the hospital room.

"No no, should should go back. Your Dad is here to take care of me" she insisted, worried about her son's university.

"But Dad has to go to his office and that is way more important than my attendance at the university" the boy said and his Mom sighed after losing the argument.

"It's all because of my clumsiness"

"Aish Mom, don't say like that. Believe me, staying here for a few days won't effect my results and I was missing you and Dad a lot these days. So it's good for me in either ways" Taehyung laughes, really he doesn't have anything to worry about.

Anything except you.


"Ugh.... This door" you struggled with both your hands attached to the knob desperately trying to open your apartment's door while Jungkook kept on giggling at you being so childish and cute. "This lock I guess freezes sometimes. Come on open already". You bent down and pushed with all your body's strength.

"Ya let me help, you are pathetic" Jungkook laughs loudly and came up for the rescue while you gave him way and stood aside pouting like child.

He gripped the knob with his large hand and one twist and a light push and the door opened like Tada! Magic! while you stood and watched the whole thing like an idiot with mouth wide open.

"So it wasn't that hard" Jungkook said and that slight brag in his voice was instantly picked up by you.

"You are just strong" you made a annoyed baby like face which made him laugh "Or maybe the door does not listen to me"

"Or maybe you are just a cute little dumpling" he added and pinched your cheeks slightly before going inside.

You went inside after him and closed the door back behind, you turned around and saw Jungkook comfortably sitting on your not so comfortable sofa.

He patted on the place beside him indicating you to sit on but not like the way before this time more childlike.

You went and sat with a smile sticking on your face.

"So... " he started but didn't finish.

"So?" you questioned back.

"Am I forgiven yet?" he asked, kind of unsure yet confident to win you back.

"What do you think?" you pulled yourself to a serious self but in the inside you were cracking a laugh. You have forgiven that walking meme way back but seeing him nervous and his occasional lip licking was what you enjoyed.

"What I think?" Jungkook was serious this time, his voice deep and eyes dark as he looked at you then down at his hands. "I think. I think THIS-"

He laughed and attacked you with tickles, "Jungkoom- stop" you laughed as it became hard for you to breathe but the boy did not stop. You tried to run but fell on the sofa with him on top and still tickling

"Jung-kook p-please" you begged while punching him with your fist.

"First tell that you have forgiven me"

"Y-yes yes I have, n-now stop" he finally let go and looked at you with tenderness in his eyes. He was still on top of you as you looked at his perfect face closer than ever with enchanted eyes.

It was funny at first but as the seconds passed your heartbeat increased, you could feel his breath caressing your face and suddenly he became serious. His eyes dark and needy again as he brought his hand to your cheek. He came closer and closer until his lips met yours.

And that's it, it was your first kiss. Your eyes closed shut and you felt your heart skipping beats and your breath became heavy. You didn't restrict Jungkook from breaking his limits because maybe you wanted the same thing from. He kissed you as if it was his last and caressed your cheeks with his hand. He bent his head to deepen the kiss and it was like a dream for you.

He pushed his tongue in your mouth without your lips interfering him. He took his time and invade the inside portions of your mouth.

And after sometime he broke the kiss, he slowly pulled away and looked back at you with the same tenderness that made your pounding heart feel safe. And with his deep husky voice he mumbled.

"Y/N, I love you"

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