House party

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Eddie's pov:

I wake up at god knows when and I sit up and groan then I grab my phone to check the time and it's 11:40 and I see that Steve texted me at 10:20 and I open our messages


Steve: "Hey man. Your probably still asleep but I was wondering if you wanted to come to my house? Tommy, Carol, Nancy, and Nancys friend Robin are gonna there"

Eddie: "Hi Steve. I just woke up. And sure. I'd love to come over. What time?"


I wait for awhile and it's 11:42 when Steve texts back


Steve: "I'll come pick you up at 12:43. Make sure to bring a towel and a pair of new clothes and wear shorts. I have a pool"

Eddie: "Okay. See you in a bit"

Steve: "Yep. See you in a bit"


I get out of bed and change into shorts and a t-shirt and I grab a bag and put a towel and a pair of clothes in the bag and I exit my room and put the bag in front of the front door and I make myself some tea with milk and sugar.

I'm drinking my tea while leaning on the counter and my uncle come's into the kitchen looking like he just woke up "Mornin' son" Wayne said "It's 11:49 Wayne" I say while the rim of the mug is against my bottom lip "It is?" He asked and I hum in reply "Holy crap..." Wayne muttered and I chuckle. "Just so you know Wayne. I'm going to be going to a friends house at 12:43" I said and take a sip of my tea "Which one?" Wayne questioned putting his hands into his pockets "Steve's He invited me and his other friends and girlfriend over" I answered and Wayne nods

"Do you... Like this boy...?" Wanye asked "Yeah of course I do! He's my friend" I replied "Not in that way son" He said and I stare at him until it clicks "No! No no! I don't like him that way. He's my friend. Plus he's straight and has a girlfriend" I reply "Are you really going to assume that someone is straight?" Wayne asked and leaned against the wall "Well no... He told me he was staright" I say and he nodded.

I'm in the middle of talking to Wayne when I hear a car horn honk "Shit! That's him!" I say and put my flip flops on and I grab my bag and open the door "Bye Wanye!" I say and wave "Bye son" He replys and I exit the house and close the door and hop into the passenger seat of Steve's jeep "Lookin good today Harrington" I joke and smile "Shut up man" Steve said and drove to his house.

"So, Nancy is bringing Hood?" I asked while my arm is out the window and my head is leaned back "Who...?" Steve asked as he looked over at me then the road "Robin" I answer quickly "Oh. Yeah she is. Why did you call her 'Hood'?" Steve asked as one arm rested on the open window and the other hand was on the steering wheele "Robin Hood. Y'know the archer?" I said cocking an eyebrow up "Oh yeah!" Steve exclaimed "Wait... But how do you know her?" Steve added with a questioning tone.

"Us Gays tend to find each other, Stevie-boy" I say and lean back and Steve hummed in response and I smile. I turn up the song that Steve is playing and it's "R U Mine?" By Arctic Monkeys and whenever theres a drum part I play the air drums part. Once the song gets to it's guitar solo I play the air guitar and with a smile on my face and Steve laughs "God you are so weird" Steve stated with teasing tone in his voice "You enjoy it" I tease and Steve just shakes his head.

The song ends and it's now "Arabella" Also by Arctic Monkeys and I chuckle "Is this just an Arctic Monkeys playlist?" I quizzed "Maybe... So what if it is?" Steve asked "Nothing. I just never thought Steve 'The Hair' Harrington would have decent music taste" I teased "Shut up man" Steve said and pulls into his driveway. I hope out of the jeep and grab my bag and Steve gets out as well and he walks to the front door "So. When are the rest coming over?" I quizzed.

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