Head Over Heels?

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Eddie's pov:

I wake up from something tickling my nose and I slowly open my eyes and I see Steve's hair up in my face and I go to move it but Steve swats at my hand "Don't touch the hair Munson...." Steve mumbled and I chuckle "Well your hair is in my face Stevie-boy...." I murmured and Steve scoots away from me "Don't call me 'Stevie-boy'" Steve grumbled "Fine, Fine. Be like that" I say and I sit up in Steves bed and stertch my arms and rub my eyes. I hop out of Steves bed and I grab my bag from last night and I grab my jeans and I put them on then I realize I forgot to pack a shirt "Fuck... Hey Harrington?" I quizzed and Steve hummed in response "Can I borrow a shirt or sweater?" I asked "Mhm..." Steve hummed.

I stand up and do up my fly and I walk over to Steves closet and I grab a red and white striped t-shirt and I put it on and I smile then walk to Steves bathroom and I look at myself in the mirror with Steves shirt on and I smile brightly then I walk back out and Steve is sat up and he looks at me and his face flushes "You okay?" I asked and I tilt my head "Uh yeah... Yeah I'm fine..." Steve replied and I nod then Steve gets out of bed and he puts on jeans and he grabs dark blue t-shirt and he pulls it over his head. Steve's phone buzzes and he looks at it and he sighs and texts the person back "Who is it?" I asked "Just Nancy... She said she wants to be friends" Steve replied "Well atleast you guys can be friends after a break up" I chuckle and tuck Steve's red and white striped t-shirt in wearing into my jeans.

"Yeah I guess..." Steve said walked to the bathroom to fix his hair. I follow behind and I sit on the bathroom counter and look at Steve. "What...?" Steve asked "Just wanted to watch how Steve 'The Hair' Harrington gets his hair so good" I reply and smile while kicking my legs slightly and having my hands interwinded with each other in between my legs. Steve laughs and smiles back. "Do you want to head out after I'm done and get breakfast?" Steve asked and I smile again "Sure. That would be nice." I reply.

Once Steve is done we exit his house and hop into his jeep and drive to McDonald's. When we get there we go through the drive-thru and we order breakfast sandwiches and iced coffee. "I'll pay for it" I offer "Are you sure? You don't have too" Steve said "It's the least I can do after what happen to you last night" I smile then grab my wallet and pass Steve my bank card. Steve takes the bank card and taps the card and passes it back to me and we get our food and Steve drives to the parking lot and parks in a spot and we eat breakfast. "So Steve. I heard that there's a theme park here in town if you want to do that later?" I asked

"Sure why not. It should be fun" Steve said "And maybe you could invite Tommy, Carol, Nancy, and Robin too?" I asked "You could talk to Nancy about last night" I added "Yeah... Yeah okay.." Steve smiled and I smile back. We finish eating and Steve is driving to around town and I'm texting the gang.


Eddie: "Hey guys! Me and Steve are heading to the theme park in town at lunch if you guys wanna join!"

Nancy: "Yeah! That would be amazing!"

Robin: "Hell Yes! I am in!"

Carol: "Sure sounds fun"

Tommy: "We'll be there!"

Eddie: "Alright. Meet us at the enterance at 12:48"


I turn off my phone and put it in my pocket "Their all in" I say and lean back "Alright. What time is it right now?" Steve asked "Uhmmmm. It is." I say looking at my watch "It is 10:40" I add and Steve nods "What should we do while we wait?" Steve asked and I think "I have no clue" I stated "Wow Munson. You are so helpful" Steve teased "Yeah yeah shut up" I teased back and Steve laughed "Well I'm glad you feel better from the whole thing last night..." I stated softly "Yeah well... Sometimes the people you like get rid of those thoughts...." Steve said then covered his mouth and turned pink after realizing what he said "What was that...?" I asked not fully understanding.

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