Extra:《Love in Huzhou - 4》

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Extra:《Love in Huzhou - 4》

The wicked doctor from the American hospital remembered deceiving He Yu by prohibiting him from having sexual intercourse for three months, but he forgot to tell him about Xie Qingcheng's ocular prosthesis side effects.

Of course, it could also be because the doctor thought Xie Qingcheng should have told He Yu himself.

However, the wicked doctor didn't know Professor Xie's temperament.

Xie Qingcheng felt that the side effects of the ocular prosthesis were a very small matter, and their importance probably wasn't as significant as the professional book he was reading, so he forgot to mark it.

"How could you forget to tell me such a serious situation?!" After hearing the details, He Yu's expression changed.

In that regard, Xie Qingcheng couldn't understand...

"Simply, when there's too much tiredness or stimulation, there will be occasional symptoms of sudden vision loss, and it will recover after a good night's sleep, so what's there to say?"

"What sudden loss? You can't see anything now!" He Yu still had a tense expression.

Xie Qingcheng sighed and said lightly, "It's just one night; sudden loss doesn't matter."

He regretted it a bit; he should've known that he shouldn't be so specific with He Yu.

The ocular prosthetics were different from the prosthetic foot; although both were highly bionic and manufactured ahead of their time, the prosthetic foot had very little special sensation, aside from occasional and very slight reactions on rainy days. On the other hand, ocular prosthetics were so delicate that they could suffer temporary lack of blood flow and abnormal contact with artificial nerves when the wearer was very tired or extremely stimulated, causing the owner's vision to decrease or even temporary blindness.

But as Xie Qingcheng said, it was a minor problem that could be cured overnight; since he was originally a man with completely blind eyes, his flesh and blood had been completely torn off by his cousin but had regained vision, it was something normal people couldn't have. So, in Xie Qingcheng's opinion, what importance did the temporary failure of those ocular prosthetics have?

He Yu didn't believe so. While Xie Qingcheng didn't worry too much about his own body, He Yu would hold him in his mouth for fear he would melt, and he would hold him in the palm of his hand for fear he would fall, so when he learned of the situation, he refused to let Xie Qingcheng leave the bed and continue walking. Even if Xie Qingcheng said he wanted to drink water, he would immediately turn around, pour water, and give it to Xie Qingcheng.

If it weren't for Xie Qingcheng's refusal, he would have personally fed his Xie ge before feeling at ease.

During the following days, although Xie Qingcheng's vision was fully recovered, He Yu still didn't let him do this or that, wanting to take care of all the household tasks.

Xie Qingcheng was sitting in an armchair with a large medicine book on his lap; when he was resting, he raised his hands and furrowed his brow while watching He Yu, who was busy, suddenly wondering: 'Wasn't this guy sick?'

He had the feeling that before they had sex that night, He Yu seemed too weak and spoiled, as if he were about to get sick at any moment, and after that, he didn't even sneeze.

... that fucking bastard, he wouldn't be faking it, right?

His slender knuckles casually tapped the armrest of the chair, Xie Qingcheng squinted slightly and looked at the young man who was clumsily cleaning the stove, and suspicion entwined like a devil's spider web in his heart.

《  病案本 》Case File Compendium Chaper 105-254 + extrasWhere stories live. Discover now