Chapter Three

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That day when classes were done, he was going to dump her at the bus stop again when some of his jock buddies waved him over to their car.

Rather than let her go, Steve dragged her over too.

"Here he is, the lucky guy!" "Good ol' Omega-overseer!"

Isabella wrapped her arms around herself nervously as they eyed her like a circus attraction.

"I should have been quicker." Steve allowed, "At least she doesn't talk much, isn't that right Kibble?" he looked down at her condescendingly, smirking as she dropped her chin.

"Kibble?" one of them asked.

Her blood ran cold as Steve excitedly told them about how a couple of years ago he'd dumped out her bag and found a container of dog food and that she had some crumbs under her nails.

The Alphas laughed and jokingly barked at her as she shifted her feet, looking over her shoulder the best she could as she wondered if she could just run home.

Bad idea.

The guys talked for a while, not paying any mind as the sun got lower in the sky.

"What are you whining for?" Steve addressed her at last.

She blushed, not having realized she'd whined. "I r-really need to get home. It's g-getting late."

"You've got nothing going on, don't pretend you have friends." One of the jocks said, making the blonde and the other Alpha laugh.

"P-please, Steve I r-really need to get home." She nervously looked at the sky to guess the time.

Distress rolled off her in waves, making the others annoyed. "I do have friends so I think I'm going to hit the Delta Phi party tonight. You coming Steve?"

He nodded, "Sounds awesome. I heard the cheerleaders are coming too."

"They will be if we have anything to do with it!" they all laughed and high fived, change in topic getting Steve to release her and shoo her away as he stayed longer to talk about the party.

Isabella all but jogged home with worry evident in her features.


She didn't return to school for three days and showed up with an ugly red turtleneck sticking out of her hoodie. It clashed with her skintone and made her eyes look like Christmas.

When Steve arrived to school he immediately noticed her curled in a ball on the bench with her face in a textbook.

"Where have you been?" he asked, approaching.

She jumped when he spoke to her, book clattering to the ground. "I was sick."

"I thought Omega heats lasted at least a full week?"

Her body cracked as she picked up the book. "I didn't say heat I said sick."

"Whatever embarrasses you less, I guess."

She put the book in her messenger bag and stood up, gasping and stiffening as Steve pressed his nose to her neck.

"Hm....maybe you were just sick." Omegas that had recently been in heat often had an after scent to them but she smelled like same as always.

Steve eyed the turtleneck in suspicion "Did you...make a friend?"

She shook her head, "Nothing like that. Just sick and I'm always know that."

She watched him think about it before he reached to scruff her again, freezing as she cried and covered her neck with her hands, chin on her chest and heart racing.

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