Chapter Five

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For the next couple of months, Bucky and his pack -minus Steve- were doing their best to fulfill the Omega's needs for physical touch but the alphas could tell it wasn't enough, wasn't working fast enough...she didn't seem to be improving past a certain point.

Her hair had gotten shinier and while her skin was no longer freezing to the touch, it was still colder than it should have been.

He was hoping this wouldn't be necessary but when her progress halted he knew it was the best option.

Isabella had gotten a lot more comfortable with everyone but Steve -who was still none the wiser about her touch starvation and how his friends were trying to help her. She was still flinchy and nervous when someone moved too fast and in crowds- she hated crowds- but when it was just the two of them she almost never was.

She seemed to have instinctively begun to latch onto an alpha she trusted and felt safe with. He hoped that meant she'd agree to the...treatment he was going to offer.

He was going to bring It up today, anticipating rejection to protect his possibly wounded ego but hoping she'd agree to let him help her.

While Isabella was no longer on a steady decline, she had definitely stopped getting any better. Of course, part of this was due to her frail, underweight body and the long standing treatment he suspected she received at home- especially from so many angry, hateful alphas. Unlike friendly ones, too much was like a slow acting poison for an Omega.

And she was already twenty years in.

Personally, no, he didn't really find her attractive. Not that she was repulsive, she was just...sickly. Naturally an alpha wanted his possible mate to be healthy and able to bare children - she was currently neither of those things.

Physically she was noticeably thin and frail, but if you looked close you could tell she was supposed to be a beauty. It was like her body knew she wasn't able to fulfill an Omega's role so it made her somewhat unappealing to an alpha's eye if mostly from an instinctual sense they got from her.

This one's ill! Toss her in the trash and find another! No good for pups!

In all honesty, Isabella had noticed her looks fade and while she was never vain, it did feel like a gut punch to look at herself in the mirror now. She hated her face. She felt like her eyes were too sunken and dull, dark circles under her eyes, lips usually dry, skin icy and pale as snow.

Bucky knew if she agreed, he'd have to be very gentle with her.

They entered the private study room and he sat down on the couch after closing the shades and locking the door like they always did.

He held his arms open at his sides, gesturing for her to position herself however she wanted.

Without hesitation, Isabella slowly straddled his lap, leaning forward to rest her cheek on his collar bone so her nose was by his neck- her favorite place to scent.

"Is this okay, Bucky?" she asked, putting one hand on his shoulder and the other on his chest.

Actually, it was kind of nice. After all, it wasn't just Alpha's that had pheromones. Her Omega ones made him feel relaxed, at home and even protective of her - after all they were adapted to tame Alpha's and convince them to take care of the Omega.

" 's fine, Bells." He gently placed his arms around her waist. "Is this okay?"

She nodded against him, "Mmhm."

His flesh thumb ran softly up and down the small of her back, earning a small mewl of approval.

As he considered how to bring it up, he rubbed his cheek on the top of her head the way she liked and felt her relax even further into him, sighing contently as he flooded the room with his pheromones.

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