explanation before story

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Alright so here how it goes
In this multiverse that is call mother multiverse is a bit different. Basically I just thought hey! Some sanses has different timeline beacause of player while the creator creater how their story is but.. but the player is the one that processing the timelines to be different right? So yeah anyways. Also this has my uhmm....oc version of themselves mostly Naq.
How the world work?


Well if you wanna know Lv. Is basically a currency for this world . Who ever the player that level up will be the higher up but still not closer to 'mother' beacause they are the overlord of the world beacause they were the first player [create] made for the multiverse until the players a the little followers/ minions has being made to do their work beacause they retired but still working just retired doing the routes.
How do they know the sanses?

They do beacause before that any Au's or timeline being an official and come to the existince to the public. Players such as 'mother' will be the one to take care of them. This lead to an attachment that wasn't supposed to have and was in the laws. So of course when they being made officialy, the 'mother' memory will be mess up with their memory core being deleted some of it. But the bond they have still have it in their soul that is call soultanic [soulling plantonic] bound . That's why she still watch over them but not much like she us too
Have they save some sanses or any Papyruses?

....well they weren't even aware that the little player dysfunctional the timeline and shift it into something new [poor Killer] it was too late and its hard to gave them what they need now that the 'mother' cannot do nothing pysically in their world properly or might destroy it [litterally they have like 5 accident about it like imagine as like misscarriage but a small multiverse creation you create fail] .
Why are they the overlord and how many are there?

Well.... Ok uhm there's the route overlord and NAQ first mother and first genocide overlord with her cousins Qilas the neutral overlord and Alice the Pacifist overlord . Also Alens who is Naq little brother as the coding of the world basically the second in command or uhmm....a special player [their uncle got speacial treatment Lmao]. There's also call the saint mother or sinner mother but they are all just version of different Naq beacause the creator plantonically married them?......I don't know how either it just happend since you know? But their just worker partner who act like the married couple people keep talking about
Why did they use Lv. As Currency?

Well what's most important thing you do when in a game where you need to bought something with money and getting high Lv.? Exactly so bassically they can transfer the Lv. Into the bank to change it into money. Of course some can't do that anyways. And guess player make a deal with 'mothers' for it my dear.
Why did they make a deal?

Well like in real life you have debt right? That's what happening and the player is call the possesion soul. They belong to the mother they make a deal with until their debt are being pay or when they finally get in higher up. There's also call the fallen soul why? They are call that beacause they are from the sanses multiverse and make a deal with 'mothers' of course they purpposed is nothing more but like a bitty pet sometimes or a good assistant.
How do the player soul will look like?

Fallen soul will have whatever colour pallets the 'mothers' have on their design to show who they have contracts with. Some of them that has any type of flower symbol on their soul or have a what they call possesion necklaces [whatever design the character want] for a soulles from the Sanses/ Papyruses multiverse character on them meaning they are chain toward the 'mothers'. Meanwhile the possesion soul has a tattoo symbols of whatever gemstone on their visible places and design is. They also has a freedom to being a higher up if they work enough and no. The possesion soul don't have a real soul beacause its fragile and will be keep in any jelwery they have beacause its so small it fit inside the locket of a necklaces to be safe.
How will the sanses meet?

You found out soon please be patients
Does the 'mothers' have a backstory or their own lores?

Yes that's why there's a warning it might trigger you and I don't want you straight up read this before reading the discription buddy.

Words: 807

Anyways that's all I countinue the story soon but not right now. ~foxyca

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