where are we?

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Its cold too cold for 'her' liking in this world that has being born. Yet its so beautiful and a constant reminder of peace in there as 'she' watch them with a soften look. Watching him make puns, playing with his baby brother, watching the little one learn to cook and puzzles. 'She' facinated by it the way their soul bond of a sibling shine so bright like the stars in their world. The way the float around like a cute little soulling cloud as always and how their eyes still has the admirations to their world despited it being the same. When will I meet you again dear?

"Brother wake up right now! You lazybone" Paps yell out from downstairs as he start making some breakfast. He groans about it as he blink slowly and rub his eyes socket and get up from the bed with his signatured smiled as always and grab his jacket from the piles of clothes he has in his room without looking. As he start dressing up he walk toward the door and open it to goes downstairs.

"Morning paps" he replied as he yawn a bit and cover his mouth before he went to his seat at the table and look at his bro. "What's for breakfast?" He ask him as he try to stay awake a bit more. "Its my sphagetti!" Papyrus replied as he handed the plate on the table infront of Sans before he also sit down and grab his fork but he look at Sans a bit. "....Sans..are you okay? Usually you would have been making a puns right now".

He look up at him before he huff out "ehh....you know me paps this lazybone is a bit tired out but... Thanks a brunch for noticing paps". There was an akward silent after that before Paps spoke up to break the silent "sans that doesn't have anything to do with sphagetti...". He start to snicker about it before Sans sigh "...well....its true I just have something on my mind lately....probally from our counterpart or something" he huff out as he eat his breakfast. "....well I guess you right then...I mean it is hard to be one of the council huh?" Papyrus replied as he start to think "would you like me to acampony you brother?".

"Nah Paps its fine...I can handle myself" he replied as he look down at the food. "I be fine" he mumbled about it quietly. "If you say so brother...just don't be afraid to open up with me ok?".
After breakfast

As the council started he was already there waiting for the others as always while thinking of a new puns to made in the court. After a few minutes of waiting the room slowly fill up with sanses one by two by one. It was loud yet a bit chaotic for it to go on and on until. Sans the classic knock the hammer for their attentions. "....attention now" Sans/Classic say as he look at them before he nod toward Error and Ink to speak up.

"...right uh....Error you speak about it..." Ink whisper toward him and not being a little sh-t a bit finally. "Ugh...can't b4li4ve I'm doin9 your d1rt7 work" he sigh as he glitch out a bit from how crowded and close interaction physically he is in. The sanses look at the guardian of creativity and the destroyer waiting for what they wanna disscus about.

"There's a sudden shift in this world litterally. Me and Ink has being searching for what making it happend and would like to know if you noticed something strange since this could lead to a big problems for us or more" the glitch out skeleton replied with a sigh that sound like a static radio when he finally free himself from the crowded places by staying in his hammock fast enough on the ceiling.

The sanses look at each other before they shook their head no or shrugged about it like normal before Outer raised his hand. "Well I don't know if this count but....lately I've been having a dreams.....not from what happend after reset or something...but..different..is it normal?" He replied to them as he raise an eyebrone about it.

Ink confused about what's happening from being distracted before he hear what they saying and start to think "come to think of it....hrmm no" he replied casually as he went back to being distracted again. "Ugh...unfortunately the soulles sh-t saying the truth about it. But can you tell us what the dreams is about to be fix maybe?" Error ask a bit annoyed from Ink but he keep his cool about it.

"Well..,there's this women..in my dreams..though I can't see her face beacause she was wearing a veils..but their hair has like a galaxy patterns on it like stars dust in the end of her braided hair? I don't know and I saw paps when he was little being hold by her. I don't know why it kinda felt so familiars to me....like she know me..but I don't know her?..I don't know my soul felt safe around her like a child with-" he was cut off by his explanations.

"...like a mother.." Sans say countinue his sentences and some sanses stared at him before he shrugged about it lazily. "I got that dream too but she didn't have the kind of space fancy theme clothes on...something else actually" he said it back before the other also start to say about that they have it too which confusing the destroyer.

".....if we do have it the same then...something must being up too" Error start to think about it while Ink also start to think. "Maybe there's another multiverse connected to us?" The creativity replied back as his pupils/eyelights change into a question mark and purple rectangle. "And why would there be another anomoly other then us you squid?" Error rolled his eyelights about it as he cross his arms.
The alarms start to goes off
"Uhh guys?" Before Swap could even say anything they hear a yell and saw Fell is on the ground "what the f-ck!". He curse out as he try to get out but he felt like someone is pulling them down to the ground and before they know it the floor cracked and the wall aswell as they slowly being grab by someone unknown without any plans to be prepared for an escaped.

"Ahhhh!!!" Error yelp out a bit in pain when he's being grab by something and was glicthing out badly that he was drag off from the comfort of his hammock. "Error!" Ink try to reach for his scarf before he was attack from behind by being wrap with a vines and was pull down under the cracked ground. The sanses one by one being snatch from the room as the light and candles that is being lit in the room has being shut off.


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Welcome home

Outer groand a bit as he rub the back of his head and sit up from the grass? Wait where is he? He imediatly get up too fast which is a bad idea as he imediately felt dizzy and fall back down on his tailbone and yelp a in pain about it. "Ugh...wait guys!" He call out hopping they here as he slowly stand up properly and look around and saw Swap with dizzy Sans/Classic and imediately walk toward them.

"You guys okay?" He ask them and they both nod and he sigh with a small hint of relieved but he look around at the unfamiliar places they are in. "..." He saw something and hear a busy street somewhere and start to go there. "Outer wait!" As Swap try to stop him he march foward toward where he head the sound.

".....where are we?" He look down from the field of the forest edge he standing on as he saw the unfamiliar buildings and everything. The building was so cybernatic yet scereaming a theme of a fantasy in any movie. While there's someone flying or a cool venicles and even someone bombing the places sometimes and it turn back into its original build. What is this world their in right now? He saw a screen appeared infront of him and it say.

"Welcome to the player world sanses"

And that is worrying already for his soul to beat faster then ever.
End chapter 1

Words: 1447

Alright two post at the same time for you guys

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