Chapter 12- Memories

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Author's note:
There is profanity, sexual themes, drug use, drinking, and mentions of subjects like sexual assault and abuse and mentions of death. I don't own Hazbin Hotel, Amazon/Vivi does thanks for reading. ( Kai will be in some chapters not all of them) This chapter won't follow the story line , only parts of it.  I only own Kai and Elara . Also thank you  for the reads ya'll (Above is what Kai looks like artwork not mine)


Kai's stoic demeanor masks a turbulent history, one marked by abandonment and betrayal. Raised in the shadowy depths of the underworld, he's harbored resentment towards his estranged father, a powerful demon who vanished without a trace years ago. Determined to confront his past, Kai embarks on a journey to uncover the truth behind his past as he is missing memories and why he feels a sudden pull to Elara.

However, his arrival coincides with the unexpected appearance of Elara, a half-human, half-demon hybrid searching for answers about her origins. As they cross paths in the bustling lobby of the hotel, their connection is immediate, though tinged with uncertainty.

Days after Charlie and Vaggie had a meeting with heaven, Kai is seen sitting on the couch of the hotel lobby, a sigh escaping his lips. He had only just arrived to hell not too long ago and couldn't sleep the time is now 2:00 in the morning . He is grateful to Charlie letting him stay at her hotel but his thoughts are troubling him as to why he is feeling about a certain pull. He suddenly hears two in familiar voices and looks over his shoulder from the couch.

Angle dust : Man, Val did a number on us this time. Why did you have to make that deal from two days ago Elara? Now we're both suffering.

Elara : I told you Angle, I'll do anything to help you even if you don't want my help. You're like a brother to me. Also you and Charlie helped me out a y lot , I honestly don't know how to repay the both of you.

Angle dust : ........ Thanks ( notices Kai on the counch.) hey Kai,

Kai: Hey Angle , Elara

Elara: What are you doing up? I thought you'd be in your room by now setting in?

Kai: Nah, can't really sleep

Angel Dust: [playfully twirling a lock of his hair] So, Kai, what's your story? Besides the brooding loner vibe, I mean. By the way the loner vibe is hot as fuck.

Kai: [gruffly] My story is my own. It's none of your concern, demon.

Angel Dust: [chuckling] Ooh, touchy. But hey, we're all friends here, right? No need to be so guarded.

Kai eyes Angel Dust warily, his expression guarded as he weighs his words.

Kai: I've learned the hard way that trust is a luxury we can't always afford in Hell.

Angel Dust: [leaning in closer] Trust me, sweetheart, I know a thing or two about surviving in this place. And sometimes, a little trust can go a long way.

Despite Kai's reluctance to let his guard down, there's a flicker of curiosity in his eyes as he considers Angel Dust's words. Then there's Elara. Something about her that he can't seem to stay away from .

Kai: [grudgingly] Perhaps. But trust is earned, not freely given.

Angel Dust: [smirking] Well then, looks like you've got your work cut out for you, don't you?

Kai: [nodding tersely] Just a... difference of opinion.

Angel Dust: [winking at Elara] Nothing we can't handle, sweetheart.

As Elara observes the dynamic between Kai and Angel Dust, she senses there's more to their relationship than meets the eye. But for now, she focuses on the task at hand, knowing that their quest for truth will lead them down paths both perilous and unexpected. Elara lost in thought 'why am I drawn to Kai? Would he know anything about my past?

The Origin of Dual Blood (Hazbin Hotel / Helluva Boss Oc x Oc) Various x OcHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin