Chapter 13 :Elara's Comforting Presence

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Author's note:
There is profanity, sexual themes, drug use, drinking, and mentions of subjects like sexual assault and abuse and mentions of death. I don't own Hazbin Hotel, Amazon/Vivi does thanks for reading. ( Kai will be in some chapters not all of them) This chapter won't follow the story line , only parts of it. I only own Kai and Elara . Also thank you for the reads ya'll


As they stand in the dim light of the library, the weight of their discoveries presses heavily on their shoulders. The ancient scroll in Kai's hands trembles slightly as he reads through the list of names, recognizing his father's among them. The realization that his father's disappearance was documented fills him with a mixture of anger and determination.

Kai: [voice tight with emotion] This proves he was here. He didn't just abandon me. Something happened to him.

Charlie: [placing a comforting hand on Kai's shoulder] We'll get to the bottom of this, Kai. You're not alone in this.

Elara: [turning the pages of the leather-bound book] There's more about the hybrid prophecy. It says the hybrid will be a key to unlocking ancient secrets and could either bring chaos or balance to the underworld.

Angel Dust: [raising an eyebrow] Sounds like we're in for quite an adventure, huh?

Kai: [firmly] This isn't just an adventure. This is about finding out who we are and where we come from.

Elara: And maybe even understanding why we feel this connection. [looking at Kai] We need to find more about this prophecy and what it means for us.

Charlie: [nodding] The library has restricted sections. We might find more information there, but it's heavily guarded by powerful entities.

Angel Dust: [grinning] Sounds like a challenge. I'm in.

Kai: [determined] We need to be careful. We don't know what we're up against.

Charlie leads them through the labyrinthine corridors of the library, eventually arriving at a heavily fortified door adorned with glowing runes. The door radiates an aura of immense power, a clear warning to any who might attempt to enter.

Charlie: [whispering] This is it. The restricted section. The guardian here is one of the most powerful beings in the library. We need to be prepared.

As they strategize on how to get past the guardian, Elara notices a faint shimmer in the air, indicating an invisible barrier.

Elara: There's a magical barrier here. It's preventing anyone from getting close to the door.

Angel Dust: [smirking] I've got a few tricks up my sleeve. Let's see if I can disrupt it.

With a flourish, Angel Dust pulls out a small vial of shimmering liquid and sprinkles it over the barrier. The barrier flickers and then dissipates, revealing the door more clearly.

Kai: Nice work. But we still need to deal with the guardian.

Charlie: [nervously] I'll try to talk to him. Maybe I can convince him to let us through.

Charlie steps forward, her hands raised in a gesture of peace. As she begins to speak, a towering figure materializes in front of the door. The guardian is an imposing demon with dark, leathery wings and eyes that glow with an eerie light.

Guardian: [voice booming] Who dares to trespass in the restricted section of the library?

Charlie: [calmly] We seek knowledge to understand our pasts and our purpose. We mean no harm.

Guardian: [sternly] Knowledge is not freely given here. Only those deemed worthy may enter.

Kai: [stepping forward] What must we do to prove our worth?

The Origin of Dual Blood (Hazbin Hotel / Helluva Boss Oc x Oc) Various x OcDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora