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"Are you Kim Dokja?"

"You must be mistaken. My name is Yoo Joonghyuk. Kim Dokja is someone I absolutely hate." Y/n blankly look away.

'Man, there's no use lying to them, hyung.'

"We already know you're Kim Dokja. There's no use in lying."

[Character, Han Sooyoung has confirmed that the person is telling the truth.]

"Our king said that we will entrust you this meteorite."

"Who are you?"

"We are subjects of the King of the Wanderers. Here's a message from our king. 'We will deal with the catastrophe in the North. You deal with the remaining four catastrophe.' That's all."

"..." Dokja silently look at their king and try to use character profile on her but it didn't work. His eyes then widen when he recognizes the person.

His thoughts snapped when he feels
Y/n tug his sleeve and hear Sooyoung's voice.

"Hyung, isn't that... Aunty?"

"Dokja, you're okay?"



"Ah, it's Joonghyuk-ssi."

Dokja, Sooyoung and Y/n rush towards the voice as they heard someone called for help. They look at the sight in front of them in shock.

There's an injured Joonghyuk lying on the ground.

"...well, we found him. Now what?"


[The constellation, Demon-Like Judge Of Fire is anxious to hear your decision.]

[You have been gifted 500 coins.]

"We have to save him, right? He's the main character after all. But if we do..."

"..." Dokja and Sooyoung blankly stare at the main character, reminiscing their bitter encounters while Y/n tilt his head and look at them in confusion.

Well, he didn't have any bad encounter with Yoo Joonghyuk so he has nothing to worry about.

"Do you have anything to restrain him?"

"That won't work on him."

"Then what if we locked him up somewhere?"

"Then he will kim himself."

"I guess he can just regress. But what happens to us if he regress?"

"That's why we should stop him. We don't know what will happen."

"Uh.." Y/n raise his hand in volunteer. "How about I hold him while you guys heal him?"

"Wha- No!"

"Pretty boy! Are you crazy?! Do you want to get yourself killed or what?!"
Y/n sweatdrop.

"Well... As I remember, I didn't have any bad encounter with him so I think it should be fine... Plus, looking at his condition, he's not hurt from the injuries cause I already gave him a continues healing skill for 3 hours before. It could be because of the poison." Dokja shake his head.

"No means no, Y/n."

"T-Then, what if I try to heal him? I can heal injuries but I don't know if it's working on poisons."

"We don't want to take the risks here, Y/n." The three look at Joonghyuk, who suddenly open his eyes and glare at them, making Dokja and Sooyoung instantly back up.

"Ah, Joonghyuk-ssi. Good morning."

Y/n smile at Joonghyuk and crouching down to get a better look at Joonghyuk but stopped by Sooyoung, who immediately rush towards him and slap him in the back of his head then drag him towards Dokja using the back of his coat's collar.

"Are you crazy?!" Sooyoung keeps blabbering while Dokja looks at Y/n in worry, checking if Joonghyuk did something to him.

"But I was just greeting him..."

"That's not how you greet someone who suddenly wake up and glare at you!" Y/n then got hit in the back of his head again by Sooyoung.

"Ack! Sooyoung-ssi, that hurts!"

"I'm giving you a lesson!"

The two keeps bickering while Dokja slowly make his way towards the unconscious Joonghyuk.

"Excuse me, Are you perhaps Kim Dokja-ssi? He kept telling me to take him to you, Dokja-ssi."

Sooyoung and Y/n stop bickering as they saw Dokja is making something.

"What are you making?"

"An antidote. I think he come to me on purpose." Dokja then softly blow on the antidote before feeding it to Joonghyuk.

"Jeez, you two would make a great couple." Y/n cover his mouth with his hand to hide the wide grin on his face.

'Damn, those two really looks good together. It's really a blessing to finally see this scene with my own eyes.'

Sooyoung then hide behind the wall while dragging Y/n with her after she saw Joonghyuk's waking up.

"Hey, why are you hiding there? And why must you drag Y/n with you??" Sooyoung hissed.

"Who knows if that guy suddenly got up and attack me again! I will make this pretty boy protect me since he didn't have any bad encounter with the protagonist!" Y/n deadpan.

"So you're using me as your shield?"

Sooyoung keeps staring at the two and ignore Y/n, who doesn't ever care about it and focus on the blue screen.

"Oi, pretty boy. Do you think we should-"

"Uriel, look! We've been blessed with this beautiful sight!" Y/n happily cheers while raise up his fist high and look at the sky.

[The constellation, Demon-Like Judge Of Fire is squealing in excitement.]

[The constellation, Demon-Like Judge Of Fire wishes she could take a picture of that moment.]

"Oh, I can do that!" Y/n excitedly hold out his phone from his coat's pocket and take pictures of Dokja and Joonghyuk.

Sooyoung deadpanned.

'Seriously? He's fast with reading others love life but he's dense as rock when it comes to his own??'

"Did you just ship them together??"

"Aw come on, Sooyoung-ssi! Look at them! Don't they look cute together??" Sooyoung look at him in disbelief.

'Cute my ass.'

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